Chapter 57 - Holiday Surprise

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******Lemon Alert******

Okay. So this one is very short and it only towards the end of the chapter. So you are good for most of it. But as always, if you don't want to read it. Just look for the ******Start****** and ******Stop****** and we will see you at the end.

For everyone else, I hope you enjoy this 'quick' one. ;)


"Let's give our happy new couple one last round as the orchestra helps us celebrate this joyous occasion with some holiday music. Please come out and join them on the dance floor to congratulate them. We hope that you'll stay and enjoy the rest of the evening with us and I do believe that the bar will remain open until 1am. And from all of us in the citadel Intelligence Department, we wish you a Happy Holiday and we are looking forward to seeing each and everyone back at work after the Holiday Break."  Your dad said to the audience as they clapped, while Korn and Mary still stood there as they kissed from her accepting his proposal.

Then the spotlight turned off as Paul turned off the microphone and started walking away as the audience continued to clap. But this soon died down as the orchestra filled the room with music as they started playing a favorite holiday tune. Shortly after the music started, Korn and Mary started dancing. Followed by other couples joining them on the dance floor as they started to come out and congratulate them as they danced across the floor. You sat there beaming at your dad and Ignis as they came walking back over to the table.

You had had no idea that both of them where in on the surprise. Sure you slightly remembered hearing the jeweler saying something about a setting and that Ignis could pick it up the next day. But you had no idea that it was their engagement ring. You felt your heart swell as Ignis and your dad both walked up with smiles on their faces.

"I can't believe you two." You said once they both reached the table. "You both knew this whole time that he was going to do that and you never said anything?"

"Well of course not." Your dad said as he reached his hand out to Tracy.

"That would have ruined the surprise."  He said as he stared at Tracy while he leaned over as he raised her hand up to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss. "Would you care to join them on the dance floor sweetheart?"

"I would love to." Tracy said back with a huge smile as she stood up.

"Mr. (L/n)?  Would you mind if I...?"  Ignis asked your dad as he stood back up.

"Not at all Ignis." Paul said back to Ignis as he gave him a slight smile before he walked away with Tracy. "Just don't be too long. I would hate for her to miss out on seeing her old man sweep this beautiful woman off of her feet."

"I've already seen that dad." You said back to him as you smiled at him.

"Hmm." He said as he turned Tracy around so that she was facing him.

Then he placed his hand on her waist as he kept his other hand up as he clasped her hand. Then he started dancing with her as they started matching the rhythm of the music as it was being played by the orchestra. You grinned at both of them as your dad smiled back at you. Then she laughed as he spun her around before they moved away from the table as they started moving across the floor.

You couldn't help but to shake your head at them as they danced away. They truly did belong together. For besides your mom, you had never seen anyone make him smile that much and have as much fun as they did. In fact, you think that they had more fun than you ever saw your parents have.  Well, at least they seemed to act like they were having fun. Considering they were acting more like teenagers then you, and Ignis were.

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