Chapter 34 - Surprise Guest

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Paul couldn't tell anymore if he was intoxicated from the rum or from the beautiful women that was in his arms as they heavily kissed while he ran his hands up and down her body. For every part of her was like a drug that he couldn't get enough of. F rom her luscious lips, to her firm ass, he just couldn't seem to keep his hands off of her once they started to touch. He pressed her into the couch as he rocked his hips into her as she laid on her back on the couch with her legs wrapped around his waist. She moaned as she matched his movements

Just from her moan, he knew that she wanted him just as bad as he wanted her. But he was waiting for her to want to move it into the bedroom before he did anything else. He had swore that he would keep his word and wouldn't force himself on her. So if they were going to the bedroom, then it would be because she wanted to. And the gods themselves knew that he was ready for that choice.

She slightly pulled away as she tried to catch her breath. He then leaned in and latched onto her neck as his hand came up and firmly grasped her breast. She moaned under him and grabbed his hair on the back of his head as she rocked her head back. He increased the suction as he gripped her harder and rocked his hips once again. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head from the overpowering sensations from his experienced hands and skilled mouth. She couldn't get over how he knew how to get the best rouse out of her with every touch and motion.

She was at her breaking point. She wanted him. She wanted all of him, and now. But just as she was getting ready to say something, he stopped dead in his tracks. She wasn't sure why, until she heard someone running down the hallway before a door was slammed shut.

Paul then pulled away completely so that he was standing up with one knee on the couch and his other foot on the floor beside the couch. He turned his head towards the door as he listened. Tracy looked up at him as he stood there with his hair all over the place and his shirt now all wrinkled and bunched up. The sight of him was enough to spike her urge to see him come completely unglued. Then she noticed his strong bulge in his pants and knew that he was more than ready to take this way further than just kissing and groping.

But as he stared at the door, he started to straighten out his shirt and run his hands through his hair as he made it lay flat again. Her heart drop as she realized that they had just lost their moment. For now his attention was now solely on you. She felt a little upset, but at the same time she understood. She had had to do the same thing when she was raising her baby brother by herself.

In fact it was due to him that she was so good with kids. Which is why it had almost destroyed her that she never got to prove how well she could take care of one of her own. Especially since she had lost hers while she was pregnant as she made her escape. In fact that was one of the reasons why everyone had helped her escape. But unfortunately the trauma incurred during the escape, had caused a miscarriage.

Just then, they both heard you retching in the bathroom. He sighed as he slowly looked down. Then he turned and looked back at Tracy as she laid there all hot and bothered. Fuck, did he want to continue. But he couldn't in good conscious stay here and not do anything to help you.

He then leaned back down and gave her one heated kiss before he pulled away again. She looked up at him as he braced himself over her with his arms. Then he ran his hand through her hair with one hand. He hated to leave, but he had to check on you.

"I have to go check on her." He quietly said as he looked at Tracy. 

"I'll be right back. Okay?" He asked as he searched her eyes.

"I'll go with you." She said as she slightly smiled at him. "You may need some help with her."

"You don't have to." He said as he slightly looked down. "She's not your responsibility."

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