Chapter 52 - Old Feelings

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After a good night sleep in your own bed, your dad had decided to keep everyone home for a day. The only thing that went on in the morning was cleaning, at least for you. Your dad had a security team come in and install some additional measures to the house, like a hidden electric fence and motion lights throughout the entire front and back yard. He did leave for a moment as he took Tracy home so that she could gather up a few more things. He apparently didn't trust the security of her apartment at the moment. (Not that you blamed him.)

Then once they got back, they spent most of the day in the office going over the evidence that the team had gathered from the hotel. Paul was talking with Korn over the phones for the most part.  While Tracy was looking over the lab results and photos from the scene. The team had been able to find the room that the shooter had been holding out in when he had fired the shot. He was allegedly there on vacation and wasn't originally from Lucis. But he was from one of the many cities that use to be under the protection of Lucis before King Regis had to surrender it to the empire.

This left Paul wondering how may others were in the same boat considering the king had had to pull back the wall considerable due to the large barrage of invasions in the area surrounding Insomnia.  Let a lone the  toll it had started to take on his majesty.  He just couldn't seem to extend the wall as far as he use to be able to. Not since the transmitters had been destroyed in the different regions. Plus the king wasn't as young as he use to be, and he just simply didn't have the strength to maintain it.  And that was even in despite the high number of elixirs that he had been taking each month to keep going.

After cleaning the entire house you sat down to work on your written assignment while you waited on the laundry to finish up. You knew that the assignment wasn't due until you got back. But you figured you might as well get it done now so that you could enjoy your break. But right as you finished up the last paragraph your phone rang. You looked over at your phone and smiled when you saw Noctis' name on your screen. You then set your pencil down and picked up the phone

"Well there's my sleeping Prince." You said with a smile. "I thought you were never going to get up."

"What's the point in getting up when I have nothing to do?" Noctis answered in a deep tone.

"There's always something to do." You returned jokingly. "Your just never awake long enough to enjoy it."

"The only thing that I would enjoy right now is having you here." He returned in a deep grumble.

"And why is that?" You asked as you sat back with the phone still to your ear.

"Well that's simple." He returned in a low growl. "I'm bored and I have no one to play with right now."

"Now you sound like a little kid." You joked back.

"Hmmm. Maybe." He quietly responded. "But what are you going to do about it?"

"I can't do anything about it right now. My dad has us staying home today." You replied back. "But, it doesn't mean you that you can't still play your games."

"But I want to play with you." Noctis whined.

"I just told you I can't. I can't leave the house." You said back as you tried to contain your exasperation.

"Then how about I come over?" Noctis asked with a hopeful tone. "That way you won't have to leave the house. And we can still play."

"You truly are spoiled." You joked back. "You know that."

"I'm not spoiled." Noctis returned in a joking voice. "I'm just not used to someone telling me no."

"Which in short means spoiled." You finished.

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