Chapter 102 - Lazy Afternoon

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*****Lemon Alert******

So it's been a while for this.  But I think its a bit overdue for our struggling couple.  But as always, if you want to skip over it, you can.  Just look for the ******Start****** to know when to start to skip over the sex scene.  Then you can return when you see the ******Stop******.

But not to worry, it's not a long one.  But it is a bit intense as emotions take over on this one.  And so without further ado.


"Are you sure that you don't mind?" You asked again as you stood in Ignis' and Gladio's room.

"Of course we don't mind." Gladio said with a smile as he sat on the bed next to Monica.

Talcott was quietly sleeping in his stroller that was near the table and chair that was by the window.  He had passed out from all of the excitement once everyone got into the room to relax. Monica and Gladio were very happy about that.  And they both seemed a bit anxious for you to hop into the shower.

"But I feel rude if I do."  You responded as you looked at them.  "You know, like I'm ignoring you."

"I can assure you, that it's fine."  Ignis said as he looked at you as he sat on his bed by himself with one leg crossed over the other as he leaned over to one side.  "Besides, it's not like you can use the shower in your old room.  And the rest of your team will be in theirs for a few hours."

"When you put it that way."  You said as you dropped your head and hugged your clean clothes that you were holding in your arms.  "I suppose your right."

"And since when has he ever been wrong?"  Gladio asked in a deeper tone as Monica started running her hand up and down on his leg as his hand started to rub her back.

You slightly sighed with a smile.  "Your right.  I'll go take my shower now."

"Take your time."  You heard Monica say as you turned and entered the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom and closing the door, you sat your clothes down on the counter and used the bathroom really quick.  Then you got undressed and placed your dirty clothes on the floor.  The cool a/c air sent chills down your spin as you felt the goose bumps start to cover your entire body as you entered the shower.  You then turned on the shower and stood back as you waited for a moment for it to warm up.  

That's when the door slowly opened up.  But you didn't hear it though as you tested the water temperature.  Instead you slightly smiled as you were happy that the water warmed up fairly quick.  Because after only a moment, you stepped into the water as the door to the bathroom was closed again after someone stepped inside.

You raised your arms up to your chest as you looked up at the ceiling with your eyes closed as the water cascaded down on you.  The warm water seemed to massage you as it warmed you up as well.  You were so into it washed away the rest of the chlorine from the pool, that you didn't know that the other person was undressing as they watched you.  Instead you just smiled and enjoyed the warm comforting touch of the water.

Then you stepped under the shower head and let the water run over your face.  Then you reached up and rubbed your face as you let the water run over you.  The other person dropped the rest of their dirty clothes on the ground by yours.  Then he sat his glasses on his clean folded clothes that were now sitting on the counter right next to yours. Then he stepped into the far end of the shower.


You then turned around with your eyes closed and looked up at the ceiling as you ran your hands through your hair as you started to rinse the chlorine out of your hair.  He couldn't resist the deep moan as his body instantly heated up as the water streamed down your round breasts and trim frame, and continued down to your sensual pearl.  You froze at the sound as your heart stopped.  But as you slowly lowered your head and arms, you opened your eyes.  All the fear you had felt was quickly replaced with pure lust as you saw Ignis standing in front of you fully erected.

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