Chapter 120 - Uncertain Future

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After the choir concert, time seemed to be on warp drive. Especially since you were totally bogged down with work and late night study sessions as you tried to get ready for your finals. This had been a somewhat fun experience though when you had met up with Noctis and Prompto a couple times at the cafe for a study group. Brian had been very cool with it since the restaurant hadn't been busy those nights. Plus he seemed to like the idea that the prince was actually visiting and hanging out at the restaurant again. Even if he did only order fries and a drink every time he was there.

You had been slowly starting to get depressed though, since you still weren't able to spend as much time with Ignis as you would have liked. But this had been due to him having to get his affairs in order to study abroad in a foreign country. Which meant getting a student vista, as well as his regular passport. Then there was the fact of trying to get all of the paperwork straightened out for his dorm room and class schedule for that first semester. And he still had a few things to take care of at the high school before he could officially graduate.

Of course all of the seniors had to do a lot of the same things that he did in regards to the high school. There were seniors pictures, cap and gowns to buy after they were fitted. And in his case he had to make sure that everything for the swim team was turned over to the new team captain. Who was a very nervous junior with short blonde hair and pale blue eyes when compared to Noctis'.

And he seemed very apprehensive when Ignis handed him a very well organized binder and clipboard that had everything that he had been using for the last two years. You almost felt bad for the kid since he truly looked overwhelmed as the color drained from his face at first. He honestly looked like he was totally unprepared to try and fill Ignis' shoes, even with the binder and a confident smile from Ignis.

Choir seemed to be the easiest one for Ignis to turn over. But that was because there wasn't anyone behind him who could play the piano for the class. Which you were almost glad about. You didn't think that you would be able to handle anyone but him or the director at the piano. It just wouldn't feel right at this point now. Not after having him at the piano every time you had sang with him.

Of course this was a similar situation as well for Gladio, Monica and even Gwen. Each of them were turning over their perspective duties to the next in line. Team Captain of the football team for Gladio, Team Captain of the Cheerleaders for Gwen, and Team lead for the debate team for Monica. Then once that was done, you started to see less and less of them in the hallways as they finished up their classes. Until they seemed to have completely disappeared from the hallways all together.

The thought of it was actually starting to make your heart break, as you knew that they would never again walk the same hallways as you. And it seemed to be sending you back down the path of lonely depression. Because you were really going to miss seeing them everyday in the same dark grey steeled lockers and cold black titled floor hallways as you. Even if that hadn't been the case when you had first stepped foot in the school.

And you weren't the only one who was feeling the pull of the pending separation and slight depression. You watched Prompto and Noctis start to feel the same way as they got quieter and quieter each day in school. Of course it seemed to hit Prompto harder then Noctis. But that could be due to the fact that after the concert, him and Gwen started to date. Like boyfriend/girlfriend dating. They had become a real item since that night. Which was totally cute.

Noctis himself, was already starting to get upset since the bodyguards were probable going to have to come back into the school again. And that would be due to Ignis and Gladio not being there anymore. Even with you and Prompto still being there. Which you being at the college for most of the day for the next school year, didn't really help out his situation.

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