Chapter 51 - Intimate Touches

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******Author Note****** LEMON ALERT!!

This chapter contains a scene that has some very sexually graphic words that not everyone will be comfortable reading. If this is the case, please stop reading once you see the ******Start****** warning. It is safe to return once you see the ******Stop******.

For all others, I hope you enjoy my first ever sex scene.


"HELP me!" You heard off in the distance.

"Hold on! I'm on my way!" You shouted back as you raced towards the voice.

But the hallway never seemed to end as you ran. It seemed the faster you ran, the longer the hallway got. Finally you could see a girl on the ground as she was reaching out towards you. But as you ran, you seemed to be trapped, for your legs wouldn't move anymore.

"What's the matter?" Your heart stopped as you heard a voice you only heard in your worst nightmares. "Can't you get to her?"

You turned around and saw a person covered in all black except for their eyes. But you knew those eyes that were looking at you. And they sent chills down your spine as you froze in place. They grabbed your arm and spun you around and slammed you into the locker. The sound echoed in your ear. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you smelled the harsh spice of his cologne. You try to fight back, but he kept you trapped against the locker.

"Get off me!" You shouted.

"Oh no." The familiar male voice said right in your ear. "Not until you get me off." Then their hand started to wander down you body and towards your sweet spot.

"!" You screamed in your head as you felt his hand move across your skin.

But right as he was about to touch your pearl you quickly sit up and looked around the room in a panic. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you frantically looked around for him. But the only thing you saw was a dark bedroom. The only light was coming from the glow of your alarm clock. You gasped for breath as you tried to calm back down as you realized that you were safely in your room. You looked at the bed and saw that you were still on top of the bedding with your clothes on and your blanket now off to your side.

You slide your legs off the side of the bed and sat there shaking. It had been a dream, but you could still smell that spicy cologne. You tried to squeeze your hands together as you tried to get them to stop shaking. But they didn't seem to want to listen now. That was when you looked over towards the couch as you heard Ignis stir. You could just make out the outline of the couch as you sat there.

You looked down as you sat there trembling.

I can't let this get to me. I just got over this. I can't go backwards. Not now. You argued with yourself.

But nothing seemed to want to work. Then you remembered how Ignis had helped you out last time. Perhaps his touch could again help you break through this. You thought as you stood up on your shaking legs and started making your way over to the couch. When you got to the couch, you saw that he was wearing his undershirt as he was laying under the covers, on his left side, with his left hand under his pillow as he slept. His right hand was just lying on the bed in front of him.

There looked to be enough room for you to slip in front of him so that you could wrap yourself up in his arms. You knew that he would make you feel safe, and perhaps you would be able to fall asleep again if you laid right beside him. Of course there was only one way to find out. You thought to yourself as you lifted up his right hand and placed it on his hip. Then you lifted up the covers and slid under the soft sheets and onto the bed in front of him with your back to him. You laid like that so that you could see anyone approaching you as you slept.

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