Chapter 65 - Party Change

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Tracy heard the echo of footsteps as they came down the empty hallway and towards her cell. She took a deep breath as she pulled her legs up further on the bed as she curled up closer to the wall as she leaned against it. She couldn't help but to sigh as she once again found herself getting ready to defend herself. But as the person approached, she found that she didn't really want to defend herself anymore. She was tired of fighting to escape all the time.

She dropped her head as she closed her eyes. Everything she had ever wanted. She had had to fight for. Only for it to be taken from her. For it seemed that every time she got what she wanted. She would have to leave it and more behind. Otherwise everyone else would be hurt.

But what about her? When was she going to finally get a break? By the way that her luck was going, this wasn't going to happen until she was long gone from the world. Perhaps she would be able to relax once was back into the life stream as she float along like all life did. Or would that turn out to be more of the same thing. She though as she felt her heart crack once again as she felt defeat take over completely.

Finally the footsteps stopped right outside her door. Then she heard a faint sound of metal scraping on metal. She felt her heart break even more as she remembered hearing that same sound when she had first gone to the Society seeking their help. But of course, that was now nothing more then rumors.

"It seems as if your story had some truth to it." She heard Weskham say through the door.

"You know that there is truth to it." She coldy said as she opened her eyes and stared blankly at the wall.

"Yes. But I didn't know the extent of it." He returned.

"You told us that you didn't want to be a part of it." She returned with a bit of an edge. "Or have you forgotten that part?"

She heard him shift on the other side of the door.

"Not that it did any good anyway." She quietly said. "I still lost everything that day."

"You didn't lose everything." He returned. "Your still very much here."

"Am I?" She quietly returned as she pulled her legs up closer to herself as she felt the tears starting again.

"Have you told Paul about anything that had happened back then?" Weskham asked in a quiet voice.

"No. Other than what he just heard tonight of course." She replied as the tears rolled down her cheeks. "I wouldn't even know where to begin. And besides. What would I tell him? That this is where I almost stayed. This is where I was ready to give up everything in Insomnia just to be happy. Only to have to leave it all behind. Because I fucked up again."

Tracy dropped her head into her knees as she started to shake as images from that time flew through her head. Leaving Altissia had been one of the hardest things that she had had to do in her life. But she hadn't been given a choice. Because after she had left the hideout, she had gone to the docks and had dropped off to the Society, the fallen members that had died on the boat that she had driven. Which, much to her surprise, was the very same boat that they had just ridden on to get them to Altissia.

Of course for her, she had been grateful to be able to return a few of the fallen members o their families, considering that a large number of them were at the bottom of the ocean. Or had been left in the cave. And to even get them home, she had had to scrub the blood off of the boat before she could even head back. And that was after she had drag their bodies below deck so that they were hidden from sight when she pulled back through the gates.

But most heart retching part had been the look of the leader's face when Tracy opened up that hatch. That was image had been forever burned in her head as the women fell to her knees as she sob loudly as one of them was her only son. Tracy had had no idea that that was the case until that moment.

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