You couldn't help the butterfly's in your stomach as Ignis pulled up in front of one of the most exclusive restaurant in Insomnia. Only the richest people seemed to get in. And even then, it was only after being on the waiting list for a while.
"Are you sure we're at the right place?" You asked as you stared at the valets as they were ready to open the door as Ignis pulled the car up to the curb.
"I'm positive." Ignis said with a smile as he put the car in park after stopping in front of the restaurant.
Then he turned and looked at you. "Shall we."
You smiled back at him with a nervous grin. "Let's."
Then both valets opened up the doors for you two. One opened your door held out his hand and helped you to the curb after closing your door. Where the other one, slid into the driver's seat after Ignis climbed out. Then after Ignis walked over and joined you at the curb, the valet smoothly pulled the car away.
Ignis gave you a huge smile as he walked up to you and gave you his arm. You gave him a huge grin smile in return as you wrapped your hand around his arm. His eyes slight narrowed as his face turned into a loving look at he placed his hand on yours and slightly squeezed. You could see it hint of lust behind his eyes as he looked at you, which sent a thrill down your spin as you returned the same look as you put your other hand on his arm as well.
Ignis gently grabbed that hand and brought it up to his lips. Then he gave the top of your hand a gentle kiss as he looked you in the eyes. He loved to watch your eyes darken as he teased you. That was the one look that he had sworn that he would always cherish and love to his dying days.
Your breath caught from his actions as you felt your heart start to race. Then no sooner did he lower your hand back down again, that you saw a black limo pull up right as Ignis' car pulled away. You paused for a moment as you watched it pull up and stop. Then you smiled broadly as you watched Korn and your dad climb out of the car.
You knew that they were going out to eat. But you had no idea that they were going to be eating at the same restaurant as you. But as you thought about it, it did make sense for them to eat there too. After all, the theater wasn't that far from the restaurant or from downtown.
You smiled broadly as Korn helped Mary out of the limo and started to escort her over. Then your were confused when your dad held out his hand and you saw someone get out that you didn't recognize at first. That was until you looked at her closer. For your jaw dropped as you realized that it was Ms. Jones from the high school. But instead of her usual long skirts and long sweaters that gave her the stereotyped librarian-cat person look. She looked more like Tracy in one of her professional business dresses.
"Wow." You quietly said as you watched her walk up. "She looks amazing."
"Indeed." Ignis said as he gently rubbed the top of your hands. "She almost seems to have another side of her now. As if it was hidden from sight with her long skirts and sweaters."
"Yeah. Your right." You said as you watched her looked down as he tried to hide the pink showing up on her cheeks as your dad lead her over.
"You two look amazing." Mary said as she stopped in front of you with Korn.
"So do all of you." You said back with a huge smile.
"Thank you." Mary returned with a smile. "I didn't know that you were joining us for dinner."
"We're actually not." Ignis responded as he continued to trace his fingers over your hand. "We're just eating at the same restaurant is all. It was easier to get a reservation that way oppose to a table for six. And besides, (y/n) and I aren't on a time crunch for a concert like that."

FFXV: Growing Pains (Ignis X Reader)
Fanfiction(Book 1 & 2) Prince Noctis of Lucis was a lonely child when he returned from Tenebrae after his wounds had healed. That is until he was befriended by a young commoner girl who showed him the meaning of true friends. Her friendship with the young u...