Chapter 10 - Forgiveness

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YOU stood leaning up against the wall by Ignis as you both waited for the car to arrive. You had already called your parents and told them what was going on. They didn't seem too upset, and were actually a little relieved that you had found a safe way home. Missing the bus part though, they still weren't to happy with. Although your mom was glad that Ignis was going to be helping you get caught up. And they didn't mind him coming over tonight, just as long as dinner was ready when they got home. Ignis had even offered to help cook, but you told him that guests don't cook in your house.

At the moment though, you were starting to get nervous about seeing Noctis again. You still hadn't officially made up with him yet. In fact the last time you actually talked to him, was when you were walking down the hallway on your way to the dining hall at the Citadel. But after puking and passing out in their bathroom, you weren't even sure what to say. It had been embarrassing and frustrating since it had been brought on by severe stress, because of him. And now to was just a night that you wish had never happened.

......."Yes sir. We'll see you in a minute." Ignis said as he hung up his phone and put it back in his pocket.

"Well that was our driver Tredd. He should arrive in a minute. From here we will be heading over to pick up Noctis. Then we will drop him off at the Citadel before heading to your house. I hope that you don't mind?" Ignis asked as he looked over at you.

You just stood there as if in a trance. You didn't look up or even move, other then to blink occasionally. Ignis could tell that you were worried. He reached over a grabbed your hand.

"Hey, (y/n)?" He said as tighten his grip on your hand. "Are you alright?"

"What am I supposed to say to him?" You asked without so much as squeezing his hand.

Ignis was taken back by your question. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean, I did the same thing to him, that he did to me." You said quietly as you just stared at the ground.

"But worse. How are you supposed to apologize for what I did? I ruined dinner and made a fool of myself and my family in front of him and the King. Then afterwards, I never even tried to explain to him what happened. I just ignored him like he did me." You then closed your eyes and dropped your head. "I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't ever want to see or talk to me again."

"Don't you think that you are being a bit hard on yourself?" Ignis said as he stepped in front of you and lifted up your chin so that you were looking at him.

"I think that Noctis might surprise you. He's not cold like that. In fact, he wears his heart on his sleeve, just like a certain person that we both know." Ignis said as he smiled at you.

"Just do us all a favor though will you?'' Ignis asked as he intently looked in your eyes. "Don't yell at him this time? He tends to clam up when he's yelled at."

"I won't." You returned with a smile. "I think that we have had enough of that."

"I couldn't agree more." Ignis said as he backed up and released you.

Just as he did, a jet black car with silver trim came pulling up to the curb.

"Ah. Just in time. Here's our ride." He said as he walked over and opened the back door for you. "You first my dear."

"Why thank you." You teased to him as you got in.

Ignis smiled as he shook his head, then got in the car and closed the door. Within a few moments, the car was in motion again as it headed to pick up Noctis.

When the car pulled up, you could see Noctis was standing by the wall that surrounded the school. Ignis exited the car and held the door open for Noctis. But he noticed that Noctis was looking towards the school yard.

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