Chapter 30 - Family Secrets

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YOU sat in the car with the three glaives in silence as you tried to figure out what they were talking about with your mom working for the Intelligence Department. There was no way. She always went to work in a skirt and heels. She had never worn the same clothes that they do. 

She couldn't possible work for both places, could she? You thought to yourself.

"(Y/n), can I ask you a very serious question?" Nyx asked from the driver seat.

You nervously glanced at him in the rearview mirror and nodded. He slightly smiled at you then took a deep breath. He quickly glanced back down again. Then he looked back up at you.

"Have you seen anyone hanging around your house that shouldn't be there? Like a strange car near your house or in your neighborhood?" He asked as he kept glancing from you to the road as he drove along.

"Not that I can remember." You said as you thought about it. "But I have been getting home late after doing the training at the Citadel.  So the street has been pretty dark by time I get home everyday."

"No unusual visitors?" Nyx asked.

"Well I had one, Gwen. But she just showed up to stir up problems." You said as you remembered Gwen stopping by. "But what does that have anything to do with this?"

"I had hoped that Cor was going to explain this before we left, but I guess it's up to us now to tell you." Nyx said with a bit of frustration.

You could tell that he wasn't to happy about having to be the one to break the news. This however did nothing to calm you down though. Since your heart immediately went into your throat as you waited anxiously for the bombshell to be dropped. 

Please, someone tell me that this is all a joke. You thought as you clutched your hands in your lap.

"We might have an easier time explaining it then he would anyway." Pelna said to Nyx. "We do know her parents better than he does."

You gave Pelna a questioning look as you felt your heart rate increase. 

You know my dad too?  But how?  You thought as you watched him. I've never seen you before in my life.

"If you say so." Nyx said as he continued to drive. "Well then by all means then Pelna. Why don't you start."

Pelna nodded then turned around in his seat so that he could see you better. He noticed that you were starting to freak out already. He smiled then took a breath as he tried to remain calm. He hadn't been very good at sharing bad news.  And he never expected to be the one to have to tell a family member that one of their own has gone missing.  Let alone two of them.

Pelna couldn't help but to slightly smile as he looked at you.  He could see your mom's eyes looking back at him as you stared at him.  He could even see your dad's strong jaw line along with your mom's high cheekbones.

"You look so much like your mom." Pelna said with a smile as he tried to calm you down. "But I can definitely see your dad in you as well."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Asked the greasy haired guy who was sitting next to you. "Just tell the girl already."

"I...."  Pelna started to say.

The greasy haired guy groaned as he shook his head. He then turned his head towards you. 

"Look." He began. 

"Your parents both work for the Intelligence department. Your mom is a part of the research division and your dad is a part of the investigation division. Now I don't know what bullshit story that they told you. But they have worked for us for years." He said as he if he was telling a story that he didn't like.

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