You sat there with your feet up on the chair as you held your knees to your chest as you rubbed the fabric of Ignis' warm-up jacket in between your fingers. You hadn't moved from that position since Korn had told everyone that they would have to run a few tests before they could be sure that he was alright. He informed everyone that so far it looked to be just a few scraps on his chest and side from the board itself. But they wanted to get a few x-rays just to make sure that there were no internal injuries and that nothing was broken. Korn had insisted that everyone go home and he would let everyone know when he was done.
This of course didn't work for you. Since you couldn't bear the idea of leaving him without seeing him first. But they said that you couldn't see him until he was in a regular room. Which meant that in the meantime, you had to wait in the waiting area. Which is what lead you to sitting in the same chair by the same window that you had sat in when your dad had been brought in. Even the same staff tried to get you to leave. Only to get the same answer from you. And that was a simple 'No thank you'. You didn't want to leave. Not until you saw him. And even then, they might have an issue getting you to leave.
You had no idea what time it was when Korn finally came out to talk to you as you sat with your dad in the waiting area. For everyone else had gone home for now. Leaving you and your dad by yourselves as you waited. You were glad that your dad understood why you couldn't leave.
He didn't say much as you sat there. Which was fine. You really didn't feel like talking at that moment either. So instead you both just sat there quietly with his arm across the back of your chair as he rubbed your shoulder and waited.
As soon as you saw Korn, you were on your feet and walking over to him. He gave you a relieved sigh and a slight smile. You could feel the heavy weight being taken off of your shoulders as you saw his smile. You knew that this meant that he was going to be okay.
"Thank you for waiting. Both of you. It really means a lot." Korn said with a smile as he stopped in front of both of you.
"How..." You started to ask, as you clutched Ignis' jacket in front of you.
"He's fine." Korn said as he placed a hand on your arm.
You deeply exhaled the breath that you had no idea you were holding.
"He bruised his two lower ribs and he scrapped up his chest and side pretty bad." Korn said as he dropped his hand.
"But other then that, he's fine." Korn said as he looked at Paul.
"That's good to hear." Paul said with a smile as he put his hand on Korn shoulder as he supported himself with his other hand as it clasped his cane.
Paul knew all too well how nerve racking it is to have to wait to see if someone you love is fine. Of course in Paul's case, the news hadn't been as favorable. Korn looked back at Paul and gave him a slight smile.
"Can we go see him?" You asked as you tightened your grip on Ignis' jacket.
"Once they have finished moving him, yes." Korn said as he smiled back at you.
"They are in the process of shifting him to a regular bed and room now. We should be able to see him in about half an hour." Korn said as he looked at his watch.
"That gives us just enough time to eat dinner before me meet him in his room." He continued as he looked at you and your dad.
"I'm not really hungry." You anxiously stated as you looked down.
"Oh no you don't." Your dad said as he looked at you. "Your going to eat this time young lady. They told me what you did when I was here. We will not have a repeat of that while I'm around."

FFXV: Growing Pains (Ignis X Reader)
Fanfiction(Book 1 & 2) Prince Noctis of Lucis was a lonely child when he returned from Tenebrae after his wounds had healed. That is until he was befriended by a young commoner girl who showed him the meaning of true friends. Her friendship with the young u...