Chapter 12 - Old Trails

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You didn't hear the door creek or see a person walk into the room and stop by the mat to watch. No. The only thing you saw was your dad in front of you as he ran you through your usual drills with quick succession. And the only thing that could be heard was you calling each hit. Other than that, the whole room was silent.

Not once did your dad have to say any of the moves or explain what you were going to be doing next. With you two, there wasn't a need for words since you could read his body movement better than anyone else. And you knew what he was going to do next, just based on how he was standing or by a simple hand gesture. It also helped that you had been doing the same drills for the last three years and knew each of them like the back of your hand.

Ignis stood there almost in awe, as he watched the two of you work together. He had known that you had been training the whole time that you were gone. But he never expected you to be this good after just a short time. He smiled to himself as he watched. He hadn't planned on joining in on the floor portion of the morning training, just the run. Which made him worried about what you were going to do. But as he stood there and watched, he felt even better about that decision.

He watched as your dad had you flying through the different drills without so much as a single pause. But it didn't look like you needed one. You smoothly went from one drill to the next. Your breathing was good. Your stance was still strong. And not once did you lose you focus.

In fact you didn't stop until your dad bowed his respects to you after the last strike. You smiled slightly, and returned the same respects. Then you both laughed at each other as you pulled each other into a hug.

"Not bad, for a teen." Your dad jokingly said to you as he released you after a few moments.

"I could say the same thing about you, old man." You teased back.

He laughed back at you. "Touché ." He said as you both turned towards your bags.

But just as he was reaching over to grab his water bottle, he saw Ignis standing by the mat. He stopped dead in his tracks for a moment as he watched Ignis. He hadn't realized that Ignis had walked in, and was a bit nervous as he watched him standing there by the mat. He dropped his smile and simply nodded at him as he leaned down and grabbed his water bottle from the floor by his bag.

"Morning Ignis." He quietly said before he took a long drink.

You quickly looked up and turned around. You looked over and saw Ignis standing there. You gave him a huge smile. He smiled back, but stayed where he was. You grabbed your water bottle, then jogged over to him.

"Hey." You said as you came to a stop in front of him. "I'm sorry. I must have missed you coming in."

"That's perfectly alright." Ignis said as he grinned back at you. "That was quite impressive. You really have improved. Your moves are practically flawless."

"Thank you." You said as you looked down at your feet as you opened up your water bottle. "That's what not having a tv or anything else fun to do for three years will do."

"I suppose it would." Ignis said as he smiled back at you.

"I'm heading to the other training room." You heard your dad say from beside you. "I'll see you at breakfast."

You quickly looked at your dad as you watched him walk past with his towel and bag over his shoulder and his water bottle in his hand.

"Alright dad." You called after him. "Don't be too long."

Paul simply waved with his free hand before he grabbed the door handle and walked out the door. You watched him go with a slight smile on your face. You then turned and saw Ignis giving you a curious look. You smiled back at him.

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