Chapter 25 - Cramps

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YOU and Noctis walked back over to the group as they were gathered around the car that had just pulled up.  Ignis looked over at you as he tried to get the black haired server, Gina, to let go of his waist.  But you kept your gaze away from him.  Instead you walked past him as you walked up to Monica to gave her a big hug.

"Hi Monica."  You said as you gave her a hug.  "It's good to see you again."

"You too."  Monica said as she returned the embrace, before she released you.  "I just wanted to come by and see how everyone was getting along."

You slightly looked down before meeting her with a half smile.  "We're getting there.  The guys are obviously way above me.  But this has shown me what I need to work on."

She smiled back at you then glanced over at Ignis.  He glanced back at Monica then dropped his gaze as he looked away.  Monica then looked at Noctis and he gave her a slight nod before he turned and looked at Gladio.  Gladio just rubbed the back of his head.  Monica dropped her head, she had a pretty good idea what had happened.  She walked up to you and took you by the arm as she started towards the house.

"Why don't you help me get lunch ready while the guys clean up."  She said as she looked at the rest of them with a stern look. 

They all looked down and turned to head back to the targets so that they could clean-up some of the equipment.  You nodded at her and dropped your gaze as you allowed her to lead you over to the house.  Ignis followed you with his eyes as he walked back to the target ranges.  He knew something was bothering you.  But this time he didn't think that he would be able to figure it out completely.

"Come on Iggy."  Gina said as she pulled on his arm.  "There is still time for you to show me how to throw before we eat."

"I suppose so."  Ignis responded absently as he watched you enter the house.  

He knew that he should talk to you.  But at this point he had no idea what to say.  Perhaps it would come to him as he helped out Gina.

Monica unlocked the front door by removing the padlock and placing it in the basket. You pushed the door open to the house.  You were surprised to see that it was clean and had a fresh scent of flowers.  You were greeted with a beautiful wooden staircase that sat right in front of the main entrance. The front room that was off to the right of the staircase had a couch, love seat and an old recliner in it.  The coffee table in the center of the room seemed to be the newest addition since it looked to be in the best shape.  Off to the left was the dining room. The table was set up to seat eight people with its high-back light brown chairs that surrounded the beautiful tan table. You held the door open for Monica as she stepping into the house.

"Oh good." She said as she looked around. 

"They did get a chance to clean it up before we arrived. I'm glad. I was afraid that we could have to do it before turning in for the night. Nothing worse then cleaning up before going to sleep for the night. And I wouldn't want anyone to sleep on dirty sheets or sit on dirty couches and chairs. That wouldn't be very comfortable now would it." Monica said as she walked through the house and into the kitchen that was behind the staircase.

"Wait a minute." You said as her words started to sink in as you followed her into the kitchen. "Did you just say that we'll be staying here?"

"Well yes." Monica said as she set the basket down on the counter in the kitchen. 

"Don't worry, your parents are very much aware of it. That's another reason why I'm here. I wouldn't want you here by yourself with them. To much testosterone can be a bad thing." Monica said as she winked at you. 

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