Chapter 89 - Unspoken Words

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"Hey dad! We're home!" You called out as soon as you got into the house.

You knew your dad was home and awake from him calling Ignis earlier. But you weren't quite sure how he was going to react when you walked through the door at 6 am oppose to 6 pm. Earlier he hadn't sounded to pleased when you heard him through Ignis' phone. And despite what Ignis told you. You knew your dad and he was more than just a little concerned.

But as you took off your shoes and hung up your shawl, you weren't sure if that was true or not when you saw him walk out of the kitchen and into the dinning room. He didn't look tired. Or even hung over. In fact he looked like nothing had happened.

"There you are. I was afraid that I was going to have to send out the Calvary for you two." He slightly teased.

"My apologies for the late return. It wasn't my intention to have her home quite this late. Or early as you well." Ignis said as he stood still beside you and carefully watched your dad.

"No, it's alright. I knew that you would be late." Your dad replied. "But I do want to talk to you in private for a moment."

"Of course sir." Ignis returned with a straight face.

"Wait a minute dad. You just said that it was fine." You said as you gave your dad a hard look.

"He's not in trouble." Your dad said with a smile. "I just want to talk to him."

You crossed your arms as you gave him a firm look. "About what?"

"It's nothing for you to be worried about." Your dad said with a slight smile.

"Yeah right." You said as you searched his face. "For an upset father from earlier, you seem to be very calm now."

"Would you rather that I got upset and started yelling instead?" Your dad asked as he gave you a confused look.

You dropped your head as you thought about the alternative. You had seen that part before and really didn't like it. That had been how a lot of the arguments between the two of you had started when you had lived In Altissia. And you really didn't want to go back to that.

"I'll tell you what." Your dad said with a smile. "Why don't you join us for breakfast this morning Ignis. I was just getting ready to cook. But how about you cook instead (y/n)? I'm afraid that I'm nothing but an amateur when compared to my little chef. And while she's cooking we can talk in my office."

You tilted your head at your dad as you gave him a confused look. "Are feeling okay? Your not still drunk are you?"

Your dad smiled as he slightly laughed at you. "I'm fine. And so that you know, I didn't even get drunk last night. Tipsy perhaps. But not drunk."

"Okay." You slowly said as you gave him an suspicious look. "Did you want anything in particular for breakfast?"

"I have no preference." Your dad said as he walked over to Ignis and started to guide him towards the stairs and on up to the second floor. "So surprise us. And in the meantime, we'll go talk. We'll be back in a moment."

And before you knew it, your dad had dragged away your boyfriend and had left you speechless in the foyer. What the hell just happened? Did my dad just abduct my boyfriend? And he's being awfully generous. I wonder what his deal is?

Well anyway. I'll find out eventually. Well, I suppose I should go start breakfast. You thought as you turned and headed for the kitchen.

"I apologize again for not letting you know where we were at." Ignis said as he watched your dad close his office door behind them.

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