YOU sat under the tree and briefly reflected on how the rest of that summer after you had met Noctis, had gone by very fast. For the remainder of it had been filled with all four of you playing together almost everyday in the park. It was the best summer of your life. Each day you looked forward to spending time at the park playing with your new found friends. You didn't think anything could break up the friendships that you had with them. But little did you know about the changes that were in stored for the prince, and for you.
For all was great in your world until you found out that your special friend was actually Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum and that his dad was none other than King Regis, who ruled over all of Lucis. It had caught you completely by surprise when you found out. Your dad was that one who found out when he was reading the newspaper one morning. He recognized Noctis' picture on the front page under the heading that read the he was to start attending the same elementary school that you attended.
At first you had been excited about having him in your class. But then your dad explained that he would more than likely not be able to speak to you in school since you were just a commoner. You didn't understand what he had meant at first until you saw how the other students acted around him. All of the other girls wanted to be his friend just because he was the Prince. Not because he was a really caring person that you had gotten to know while playing with him at the park all summer.
The other problem was that you couldn't seem to get anywhere near him in school to talk to him because all of the people that were always around him. He had a constant body guard that wouldn't let anyone near him in class unless they had 'certain' connections, which didn't seem to include you. And they all seemed to keep him at a distance from anyone who didn't have a privileged life. Even the teachers at first were a little put out by the the guards' presence. It was like he was being paraded around like some type of prize that the school got for having the prince attend their classes.
Even the trips to the park seemed to have stopped for him as well. You would go and wait for what seemed like hours. But he never showed up again. The whole situation had made you start to hide from him as he would walk by you in the school hallways.
Did I do something wrong? Is he mad at me? Is my dad is right? Will he never talk to me again? You had thought to yourself over and over again with you coming no closer to the answers then the last time you asked those questions.
This made your final year in elementary school very depressing for you. You never did seem to make any other friends. Every time you tried, you would end up losing them the minute that you mentioned that you use to play with Noctis at the park. They would call you a liar and then would never speak to you again. No one seemed to believe that you were once friends with thee Prince of Lucis. Then once everyone thought that you were a liar, no one wanted to talk to you. All it did to you was remind you over and over again of what you had lost, once school started. Your special friend was no more. This hurt you more than anything.
You dropped your gaze from the trees as you remembered how lonely last school year had been. All you could do during that time, was pour everything you had into school work as you buried your head in homework and textbooks. Your parents were very proud of you last year. It was the first year that you had had all straight A's and had made the honor Roll for the whole year. In fact your grades were so good that you had been able to enroll in the more advanced classes starting this year.
There was still the concern regarding your social activities though. For you parents were a little concerned that you never wanted to go to the park anymore. Then there was that fact that no one came by to ask for you to come out to play. They would ask you if you were alright. But you couldn't bring yourself to tell them the truth. You hated to admit that your dad had been right about Noctis.

FFXV: Growing Pains (Ignis X Reader)
Fanfiction(Book 1 & 2) Prince Noctis of Lucis was a lonely child when he returned from Tenebrae after his wounds had healed. That is until he was befriended by a young commoner girl who showed him the meaning of true friends. Her friendship with the young u...