Chapter 128 - Intimate Entertainment

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******Lemon Alert******

Well I did warn you ahead of time.  But not to worry.  This one isn't the whole chapter.  But it is still a good one.  But as always, if you don't want to read, you don't have to.  Just look for the ******Start****** to know when to start to skip over it.  Then return when you see the ******Stop****** and we will see you then.  And not to worry, you won't miss any of the plot if you do.

As for everyone else, things get very heated in the kitchen.  But as you know, if you can't stand the heat,  stay out of the kitchen, which is exact what we don't do.  

Enjoy.  ;)


"Are you sure I can't help?" You asked as you peeked around the doorway to the kitchen with only your sweatshirt and panties on.

"You have been doing enough cooking for me." Ignis replied as he was stirring something on the stove top while wearing only his jeans.  "Let me be the one to treat you for once."

"But I don't mind." You said as you step into the kitchen.

Ignis looked up at you and watched you make your way over to him.  "You, my dear, are supposed to be relaxing."

"I am relaxed." You teased as you walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist.  "And besides, I got lonely out there by myself."

"I would much rather be in here with you." You said as you laid your head against his back.  "Let me stay.  Please?"

Ignis signed as he placed a hand on yours.  "Fine.  You can stay. But your not touching the stove. Okay?"

"Okay."  You quietly replied as you slightly tightened up your grip on him.

You closed your eyes and quietly enjoyed the relaxing scent of his combined body wash, your favorite cologne and of course Ignis. There wasn't a smell more heavenly to you then him. And feeling his body moving under your fingers as he cooked and to hear his breathing in his chest, took away all of the disturbing thoughts that had been bringing you down. He was there in your arms. And you wanted to hold onto him for as long as you could.

Ignis gently stroked your hand as he slowly stirred the marinara sauce with meat and veggies mixed in. He loved having you in the kitchen with him. It just always seemed to be perfect with you in there. And it didn't seem to matter which kitchen. Just as long as you were there by his side.

After a bit, you slowly released him and looked at the stove. "So what are we having?"

"I decided to try one of your dishes tonight." He said as he gave you a slight smile.  "I hope spaghetti is okay with you?"

"Hmmmm. That sounds perfect." You said as you turned around and started to grab the bread. "I can do the garlic bread."

"No." He said as he quickly turned around and grabbed your hand before you even touched the bread bag.  "I told you.  You're not cooking tonight."

"But I want to help." You pouted at him as he moved in front of you.

"You want to help?" He asked with a searching look as he placed his hands on your sides and moved himself up against you as he backed you up against the counter.

FFXV: Growing Pains (Ignis X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now