Chapter 114 - Lost Love

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"Good. I'm glad your all here already."  You heard Mark say as he walked up to everyone with a slight smile.

He was wearing his usual black suit and tie as he walked up carrying his briefcase.  Directly behind him were the other two members of his team. Who were also dressed in black as they all approached.  He started to greet everyone as usual when he paused for a moment and looked at Tracy.  Then he glanced at her hand and smiled.

"It seems that some congratulations are in order."  Mark said as he smiled at Tracy.

Tracy looked at him in surprise.  "Pardon?"

"The ring on your hand."  Mark said as he gestured to her left hand.  "I know that I didn't see that there yesterday.  Congratulations."

Tracy shyly dropped her gaze as she push her hair behind her ear.  "Thank you."

Mark then turned to Paul.  "And I assume that it was you who swept this beauty away?"

"You would be correct."  Paul said with a smile.  "But you can save the silver tongue for the courtroom.  We're going to need it today."

Mark smiled back at Paul.  "Not to worry.  My team and I have a solid case with that recorded testimony of hers.  So even if she unable to speak, she can confirm everything with a nod."

"Good.  Then let's hope that the defense attorney doesn't start in on her like she did with me."  Paul said with a worried tone.

"Indeed." Mark replied.  "But we're prepared for that as well."

"I hope so."  Paul said as he felt Tracy tighten up her grip on his hand.

"Now then."  Mark said before he turned to you.  "Are you ready young lady?" 

Suddenly you didn't feel so well.  The butterflies from earlier were back and were playing havoc with your breakfast.  You nervously looked at Mark.  He gave you a smile and a nod.

"Don't worry.  I'll be the one asking the questions.  Okay?"  Mark asked in a smooth tone.

You nodded back at him.  He smiled back then turned towards the courtroom doors.

"We'll meet you in there then."  Mark said as the rest of his team walked past and gave their usual greetings.

Your could feel your stomach starting to flip as everyone started to walk away as they followed him.  You tried to keep it down by swallowing a few times.  But it seemed to get worse as you started walking towards the doors.  Which was disheartening to you, especially since you had everyone with you.

And that was when you saw Keith come strolling up with his lawyers.  He looked at you and curled up one corner of his mouth as he hungrily eyed you up and down.  Instantly you felt a shiver run through you as a chill ran from your head all the way to your toes.  And immediately you felt your breakfast in your mouth.  You quickly turned and ran for the bathroom as all you heard was shouting and a scuffle from behind you as the bathroom door closed.

"STOP!" Paul shouted at Chris as he pulled him off of Keith who was now sprawled out on the floor.

Keith pushed himself up and and ran his thumb across his now split lip.  "That's three times you've hit me now because of her."

"We can make it four."  Chris said back as he fought to get out of Paul's grip.

"Chris!"  Paul said with a firm tone and a firmer grip as he pulled him back more.  "This isn't helping."

Keith slowly got back up as he kept his eyes on Chris the whole time.  "Perhaps you and that bitch deserve each other after all.  You both seem to love to fight back.  But perhaps you might put up a better fight then she did.  Of course she did feel pretty good without her clothes covering her up."

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