Chapter 47 - School Dance Begins

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ON the trip back to the citadel you talked about what you had seen in the parking lot with Ignis and Noctis. Short of it sounding like something out of a horror film, they both sat there and quietly listened. But you grew nervous when you were finished, since neither of them said anything. You dropped your head as the silence seemed to extend longer than you thought it should have.

They must think that I'm going crazy now. You thought as you started nervously rubbing your hands together.

"I know what I said sounds crazy." You quietly said as you tried to calm your hands back down. "But I know what I saw and it was a man with bright red hair in a long black trench coat. And those eyes, those weren't normal eyes."

"Was this the first time that you have ever seen him?" Ignis finally asked as he broke the awkward silence.

"Yeah." You quietly said as you recalled his nice smile before he turned demonic. "That's not exactly a face that you would ever forget."

"No its not." Noctis said as he stared out the window. "Not if it's the same person that my dad has been talking about for years now."

"You don't think that it could be Adagium do you?" Ignis asked Noctis.

"But there's no way. Legend says that he is locked up at the Angelgard." You returned.

"He was. But the empire broke him out." Ignis gravely answered as he looked out the window. "If that was indeed him, we have to inform his majesty once we get back."

Noctis grunted his agreement, then turned his attention outside the car window.

The car fell silent for the rest of the trip. Not even the radio was enough to distract anyone as each of you were lost in thought before the car pulled up in front of the citadel. After the car came to a stop, everyone quietly climbed out and started walking up the stairs carrying their school bag.

"Perhaps we should check-in with Korn first before we go to King Regis." You said as you climbed the stairs. "This way he can scout it out before we get the King worked up over the wrong the person."

"That might not be a bad idea." Noctis said as he walked to your left. "I would rather not upset him if the person isn't the Adagium."

"I was thinking the same thing." Ignis said as he looked in you general direction. "We can't be sure until we have more information on him. The more the better. This way we can be prepared either way."

"It's settled then." Noctis said. "Let's go see Korn." You and Ignis both nodded in agreeance.

"So your saying that you saw him getting out of the Yeagre's limo at school today?" Korn tried to confirm as he sat behind his desk while you stood in front of Him.

Noctis and Ignis were sitting in the chairs that were against the wall.

"Yes sir." You confirmed with confidence. "He had wild red hair and a black trench coat that had what look like gray lace around the arms and upper back."

"And you said that when he looked at you, his face changed?" Korn asked carefully as he watched for you expression.

You body started shaking again as you could see those piercing yellow eyes of his, staring back at you as his eyes and mouth seemed to ooze black ink. You took a shaky breath as you tried to relax again.

"Yes sir." You quietly confirmed then glanced down for a moment before you looked back up. "It was like something out of a nightmare."

Korn sat back in his chair for a moment as he considered what he was just told. The whole room was quite as he thought. Then he looked back at you for a moment.

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