Chapter 58 - New Choices

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You were beaming as you admired the ring on your finger as you both stepped back onto the elevator as you started to make your way back down to the ballroom. You couldn't help but to grin broadly as you squeezed his hand. He smiled down at you as he hit the button to take you back down to the top floor for the main building. Then his heart leaped as he saw the hickey on your neck. The sight surprised him, since he hadn't realized that he had left a mark. But as he looked at it, he was torn between being upset that it was there, to being thrilled that you had something on you to show proof of your heated love.

"It looks like we need to stop by the spare bedroom before we head back down." He said as he moved your hair off to the side so that he could get a better look at his claim on you.

"Why?" You half whispered as you moved your head off to the side as you looked at him as you placed both arms on his waist.

"Well, it appears that I may have gotten a bit carried away." He said as he ran his fingers across your skin that was dark red from him latching onto you earlier. "We'll want to cover this up before we head back down."

"Oh."  You said as you reached up with one hand and touched your neck. 

"Does it show that bad?"  You asked as you got a bit nervous.

"It's nothing that a spot of makeup won't cover up." He almost whispered as he traced his fingers over it again as he could feel the urge to kiss it again start to build.

"I'll need you to help me put it on. I can't see it to make sure that it's covered up right." You said as you smiled at him while you narrowed your eyes.

"I think I can handle that." He said as he smiled back at you as he wrapped his arms around your waist while you put yours up onto his shoulders.

"You better." You said as you leaned up to him and gave him a gentle kiss.  "I would prefer to not show any marks to my dad."

"But what about the guys in school? Can we show them?" He almost growled as he pulled you closer. "Because to be honest, I'm tired of them giving you their hunter eyes."

"They are not giving me any such eyes." You said as you slightly laughed at him.

"You don't see it." He said in a lower voice as he pulled you closer yet. "The guys I have seen in school, can't seem to keep their eyes off of you."

"I think your slightly confused. It's not the guys looking at me. It would be the girls all staring at you." You said back in a lower voice as you were within a inch of kissing his sensual lips again. "The girls are practically devouring you with their eyes as they stare at you."

"Sounds like we both need to show them that we are taken then." He said in a deeper voice before he gave you a quick peck.

"Perhaps your right, love." You said only to return with a deeper, more passionate kiss.

Ignis then deeply exhaled and pulled you in hard as he deepened the kiss even more by slipping his tongue into your mouth. You eagerly greeted him and matched his passion as you both started to melt into the other. You slowly tightened up your arms around his neck as you both deeply and passionately kissed. You both fell into the moment as you relished in the feel and love from the other. The heat wasn't so much in this kiss, as was the love for each other, as you enjoyed the moment for as long as possible.

But then, as if a kitchen timer went off to tell you that a dish was finished. The elevator chimed to tell you that you were back on the top floor of the main building. You both pulled away and smiled at the other as the door opened back up. Then he lead you out and over to the second set of elevators so that you could head back down to the main floor and the living quarters floor.

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