"I don't mind. Really." You heard Noctis plead over the phone. "I can be there in nothing flat."
"Noct. Please. I know what your trying to do. And its sweet. Really. But it's okay. I'll just ask my dad." You said to Noctis as sweetly as you could.
You knew that he was still trying to make up for the fight between him and Ignis from last time. But it seemed like every time Ignis was busy, Noctis immediately jumped at the chance to try and pick you up. Which was sweet and all. But all it was doing now was making a huge wedge between the two of them. Which was why you were refusing rides from both of them now.
"But..?" Noctis tried to argue back.
"I'll call you after work. Okay?"
"Fine. I guess I'll talk to you then."
"Thank you. Well. Bye Noct"
Then you hung up and let out a huge sigh. It was getting old already with their fighting. And all it did anymore was stress you out. Which was the last thing you wanted.
"Was that Noctis again?" Your dad asked as you put your phone away in your backpack as you stood by the front door as you waited for your dad.
"Why is it you don't want to ride with them again?" Your dad asked as he walked up to you.
Tracy gave him a cross look. "Where you even paying attention?"
"What?" He asked with a shocked expression. "Oh course I was. I'm just trying to figure out what their problem is."
"I honestly think that Noctis might be a bit jealous of Ignis." You replied with your head down. "And they've been like this the whole time you were gone. And it pisses me off."
"Well, aside from the obvious frustration your feeling. I think we may have a solution for you." Your dad said as he pulled you into his arms. "At least in regards to the transportation part."
"And what's that?" You said as you laid your head against his chest as he rubbed your back. "Take the bus?"
"No." He said as he gave you a kiss on the head. "I would never make you do that."
"This one is much more acceptable for everyone here." Tracy said with a smile.
"What do you mean?" You asked as you turned your head and looked at Tracy.
"Well, your dad and I ride into work together since we both have to go that direction anyway. And I'm not actually suppose to be by myself just yet." Tracy said as she watched you give her a confused look. "But my car still needs to be used so that it doesn't start to break down on us. Soooo..."
"Wait a minute?" You said as you slowly started to release your dad. "Are you saying that I can use your car?"
"Only if you want to." She said as you gave her a stunned look. "But yes. It's yours to use for school and work. I don't need it during the week since I'm at the citadel most of the time. And your dad and I ride together anyway."
You quickly released your dad and threw your arms around Tracy and gave her a huge hug. She almost fell backwards from your sudden motion. But after you started hugging her, she gave your dad a stunned look. To which he smiled back at her.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You quickly said as you slightly squeezed her. "I'll take really good care of it I promise!"
Tracy slightly smiled as she hugged you back. "I know you will."

FFXV: Growing Pains (Ignis X Reader)
Fanfiction(Book 1 & 2) Prince Noctis of Lucis was a lonely child when he returned from Tenebrae after his wounds had healed. That is until he was befriended by a young commoner girl who showed him the meaning of true friends. Her friendship with the young u...