Chapter 64 - Hidden Truths

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You don't really remember anything after everyone broke up from dinner as it all seemed to be a whirl of activity. They had walked Tracy into another room where she gave your dad and the security team the coordinates to the hideout. Then they walked her down to the holding cells in the Estate's security area. Shortly after that, your dad had left with a small team of well trusted royal investigators to go find the hideout. 

You were grateful that you and Luna had still been allowed to walk out to the Altar, but only there. They did refuse to let you go see Tracy or to go with your dad though. Camelia wanted you and Luna as far away from that scandal as possible until they were able to get to the bottom of it.  And especially since it had nothing to do with either of you, since neither of you had even been born at the time it had happened.

But even still, as you and Luna walked over to the temple, there was a full set of guards in attending so that Luna could see the Altar.  Which meant that you were there more for moral support and at the request of Luna herself.  Which was fine with you, since you needed the distraction and there wasn't anyway that you would have been able to concentrate on guarding her correctly after hearing all of what had happened in Altissia many years ago.  It did make you wonder again as to what other secrets that Tracy might be keeping from you and your dad now.  For it seemed the more and more that you learned about her, the more secrets there seemed to be for you to learn about.  And not all of them were turning out to be good.

"Thank you for coming with me."  You heard Luna say as she walked beside you as you had your head down.

"Thank you for asking for me to come."  You returned with a smile.  "And I'm sorry that this happened.  I had no idea about any of that.  Otherwise we would have had someone else come with us."

"Don't be sorry."  She smiled back.  "By the way it sounded.  This was something that needed to be cleared up a long time ago.  The timing may not be the best.  But when is there really a good time for these things to come out?"  

"You truly do believe that everyone is good.  Don't you?"  You asked as you searched her face.  "Don't you believe that perhaps there might actually be evil people in this world?"

"I don't believe that anyone is born to be evil."  She said as she looked forward again.  "But I do believe that bad things can happen to good people. Which is what can make someone seem evil.  But if given the choice, I don't think that anyone would consciously want to be a bad person.  They just want to be understood and cared for.  Do you know what I mean?"

You smiled at her for a moment as you thought about what she had said.  "I think I do.  When you put it that way anyway."

You then both smiled at each other before dropping your heads as you walked through the vast courtyard of the temple.  The cool air felt almost foreboding when compared to the warm feeling that you had felt when you had been talking to your mom.  You slightly smiled as you looked up as you thought about that conversation again......

"Your power has always been there.............Let Lady Luna show you.........You'll be one of greatest healers in our family........... You may not see it yet.  But you will be.  And even better than I was."

"She's very beautiful."  You heard Luna say as she pulled you back out of your thoughts.

"Who?"  You asked her with a confused look.

"Your mom."  She replied with a smile.  

"But how.....?"  You began to ask but then couldn't seem to form any more words.

"I was watching from beside you as you talked to her."  She quietly replied as she leaned closer to you as she whispered it to you.

"You saw....?"  You whispered back, but once again couldn't find any words.

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