Paul glanced back in the rear view mirror and smiled as he watched you happily chatting with Luna about all of the times that you went to see Noctis at the park when you were both kids. He couldn't help but to smile himself as even he couldn't help but to recalled some of the times that you talked about. Then he turned his attention back to road as he also remembered that that had been before everything had happened. Before the attack. Before the escape. And before Lynn was taken from both of you.
He slightly jumped when he felt a gentle hand on his as it rested on the shifter as he absently drove. He glanced down as his hand and saw Tracy's hand on his. He slightly smiled as he grabbed her fingers and raised her hand to his lips as he gave it a gentle kiss. Then he smiled at her as he gave her a quick glance.
Then he released her hand and turned his attention back to the road again. He knew he shouldn't get distracted now. But he couldn't help but to think back on those times. But then again, he wasn't about to ignore the beautiful woman who was sitting right beside him.
"They seemed to be getting along well." Tracy said as she watched him.
"Yeah." He commented as he shifted back in his seat again.
"Perhaps her going to study with Luna would work out very well for both of them." Tracy said as she smiled at you and Luna.
"What?" Paul asked as he turned and gave Tracy a confused look.
Tracy looked at him and saw his bewildered look. "You know, for her training and for college. She has to study abroad for two years. I think that she could get a lot out of it if she did her studies in Tenebrae with Luna."
Paul relaxed a bit when he realized what she was talking about. But then as he glanced back at you in the mirror as you were smiling as you talked to Luna. He couldn't help but to feel a bit hurt as he felt his heart start to fall. He had almost forgotten that conversation. In two years you would be out of the house and on your own, in a sense.
Sure you would be coming home for the holidays and summer breaks. But even then, he wouldn't see you as much. He simply figured that you would probably be too busy doing things with Ignis and the others when you were home. He couldn't help but to feel that he was slowly losing you all over again. But this time is was just you growing up.
He started to feel at a lose as he saw the clouds start to take over the skies, which was started to reflect his mood. He wasn't quite sure what was going to happen after you graduated. He had always had you around and had planned everything around you ever since your brother died. But now, here he was once again, facing sending out one of his own into the world, all on their own. Which was just adding to his tension that he was going to lose seeing you in the evenings after school. What after the talk that he had had with Brian about you working at his cafe once the swim season was over.
He knew that it would do you good to get some real work experience. But the idea of you working somewhere other than at the citadel made him a bit nervous. Anything could happen and he knew it. But it wasn't like you were getting paid for your training or anything. Not yet anyway. Not until you finished your degree and could official be employed by the citadel.
He slouched to one side as he rested his head in his hand as he tried to relax against the door as he drove with one hand. He didn't like the idea of you being away like that. Not now. Not after everything that had happened. But it was something that he was just going to have to deal with.
As he drove, he spotted a Crow's Nest restaurant up ahead. That was when he realized that no one had eaten lunch yet. And he knew for a fact that there wasn't any food at the lighthouse. So he sat back up and started to slow down the car.

FFXV: Growing Pains (Ignis X Reader)
Fanfiction(Book 1 & 2) Prince Noctis of Lucis was a lonely child when he returned from Tenebrae after his wounds had healed. That is until he was befriended by a young commoner girl who showed him the meaning of true friends. Her friendship with the young u...