Chapter 4 - Past and Future Memories

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******Slight Spoilers******

I feel that its only fair to warn you that there might be a few game spoilers included in this chapter. But hopefully by time you have read up to this point, you have already completed Chapter 5 in the game play. If not, it might be a bit confusing. But it will make sense once you have.

AFTER putting the luggage in the car, Paul and Korn started walked over to the light keepers house. The air was hot now as the sun was high in the sky as it shined down brightly from the clear blue sky. The only comfort was the occasional breeze that would blow across the rocks as it came up from the ocean. Paul slightly smiled when he looked up at the lighthouse as he made his way to the house. Then he looked over at the porch on the house.

........"How long will you be gone this time?" Lynn had asked in a sad tone as she stood on the porch.

"I'm not sure darling." He had said before he gently moved her hair behind her ear.

"But don't worry." He had told her as he gazed into her beautiful eyes. "I'll be back before you have a chance to miss me."

"Too late." Lynn had said to him before she pulled him in for a full embrace as she placed her lips on his...........

"This place has been abandoned for a few years now." Korn said out loud which jarred Paul out of his memory.

Korn was walking just a few feet ahead of him as they got closer to the house.

"But rest assured Paul. I'm sure no one will look for your boat here." Korn said as he stopped on the porch by the door as he looked around for the hidden key.

"We probably should've destroyed this place a long time ago." Korn said while he walked around the porch as he looked, with the deck creaking under his feet.

"Well I for one, am glad we still have this old place." Paul said as he picked up the lid from the first barrel on the right of the porch.

"It was always one of my favorite places for us to train at." Paul continued as he flipped over the lid to reveal a key that was attached with a metal clasp.

Korn heard the sound and turned around just in time to see him undo the clasp and removed the key before replacing the lid back on the barrel. Then Paul walked over to the door and unlocked it. Korn looked at him and smiled as his shook his head. That was one of the things that he liked about Paul. The man never forgot a single detail about any of their hideouts. For only he would remember where the key was after fifteen years.

"Why this place, of all locations?" Korn asked as he followed Paul through the door and into the large common area of the house.

"Well," Paul started to say as he walked over to the kitchen area and started going through the cupboards, "this was the best place to work on our fighting techniques. With the unpredictable weather and the harsh terrance, it was ideal for helping us focus on controlling our throwing and magic spells."

"We would go from fighting on the beach, to battling with the wind and uneven rocks." He said as he continued to search, until he paused as he pulled out a bottle of rum from the cabinet by the refrigerator.

"Then when we were done, we would drink late into the night as we would talk about our different missions." Paul said as he turned around after grabbing two short glasses from the cupboard as well.

"Those nights seemed to last forever." Paul said as he looked at the glasses and realized that they were covered in dust. So he walked over to the sink and rinsed out the glasses.

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