Chapter 101 - Game of Chance

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"Are you sure this is okay?"  Monica asked as she sat in between you and Gladio.

"Of course it's fine."  Gladio said as he pulled her closer to him as he had his arm around her back.

"You can sit with your dad in the observation room if you like."  You as you glanced at her.  "But Talcott might get a bit upset since he's having too much fun."

Just then Talcott started giggling again as you bounced him on your knee.  Monica smiled at him as he seemed to be really enjoying himself.  You seemed to as well as you kept cooing at him the whole time.  Monica couldn't help but to grin at the two of you as you played with him.

"Who knew that she would be so good with him."  Gladio said in Monica's ear.  "Perhaps she'd be willing to watch him so that we could go out once in a while.  I miss taking you on dates."

Monica looked back at Gladio to see if he was being serious or not.  "Are you serious?"

"I couldn't be more serious."  He said before he pulled her closer and gave her a kiss on the head.

Monica closed her eyes for a moment as she smiled broadly and enjoyed the very rare show of affection from Gladio.  She loved it when he let his strong front down and showed her his gentler side.  It wasn't very often that he would show it though, unlike when Ignis would with you when it was just their small group.  But she didn't mind.  Because it made each time that he did much more meaningful to her.

"A date does sound nice."  Monica said with a smile.  "I would like that very much."

"Just say the day."  You commented as you continued to play with Talcott.

They both looked at you in surprise for a moment before you looked over and smiled at them.  "What?  Did you think that I would be surprised by that conversation?  Please.  You two have been practically screaming it for a long time."

"So you would do it?  You would watch Talcott for us?"  Monica asked as she looked at you in surprise.

"Why wouldn't I?"  You asked back with a smile before you looked back at Talcott as he started to giggle again as you bounced him around.  "I don't know of anyone who can resist this little face. And I have always wanted a little brother or sister to play with."

Suddenly you frowned as you were reminded of your late brother and mother.  "Obviously that isn't going to happen.  And now with even Tracy being out of the picture, all hope for that is gone."

Talcott then reached over and baby talked to you as he tried to pull himself closer to you by grabbing your shirt.  You slightly smiled as you watched him start to pull himself closer to you.  His motions made you feel wanted and needed by him.  Which filled your heart with love for this little guy.

You started to wonder if this was what your brother had felt when he had held you when you were little.  He had always been very protective of you.  Especially after he found out about the incident between you and your counselor.  He didn't let you out of his sight for a more than a short nights sleep after that.

You dropped your gaze as you remembered that time with him.  It may have been five years since he had even gone.  But it still felt like he would just show up at any moment as if nothing had happened.  Even though you knew that there was no way that he was coming back.  Or he would have done it a long time ago.

No, the only chance you had to see him now was when you healed people.  But even that was only for a moment.  And it's not like you could hug or even touch him anymore.  For there was no physical body to touch anymore of him, or your mom.

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