******Lemon Alert******
Ok, so one more before school starts. ;)
But just as before, if you don't want to read it, just look for the ******Start****** and ******Stop****** and we will see you at the end of the chapter. Well perhaps not. For fair warning, this one is almost the entire chapter. If you skip this chapter though it won't mess up the story for you. And not to worry, the next one will come out quick. I can't wait to get started with the first day of school. :)
"Would you like to take a shower before you lay down?" Ignis asked as he held open the front door for you.
"I would love to. But I don't have any clean clothes to change into." You said as you followed him up the stairs that lead to the living room.
Ignis glanced back as he kept you going up the stairs as he lead you to the bedroom. "I think that I could give you something so that you can sleep."
You glanced up at him right as he turned his head back around. But you smiled to yourself as you thought that you saw a hint of lust fly across his face before he looked away. You had silently hoped that you might have some company as you took a nap. But the sound of a shower was very enticing. That's when you figured that you could wait until at least you were clean before you laid down.
"I could even wash your clothes for you if you like." He said as he led you to his bedroom.
"I don't want to put you out." You said as you slightly blushed at the idea that he would be washing your clothes, especially your underwear.
"That, my dear," he stated as he stopped with you standing in the middle of his room, "would be a pleasure to take care of." He finished as he twirled you around with his hand so that you were facing him.
"But first." He said in a deep voice as he stepped closer to you. "There is something else we need to take care of."
You only had to glance at him for a moment to know what he was thinking as he wrapped his other arm around your waist as he pulled you against him. You could feel the heat radiating off of him as he pulled you in close. Then with a quick motion, he put his lips on yours as he gently captured your mouth. You instantly felt your breath catch as you heart starting to race in your chest by his sudden motion. Then as he gently kissed you, he slid his hands smoothly over you, which made your body get overcome with shivers, that flew across your skin.
Your breathing was starting to get rugged as you felt your body responded to every touch. Which made you want more. So you slid both hands up to his neck. Then you ran one hand through his soft hair. You deeply exhausted as you felt him respond with more force as you allowed yourself to fall under his spell. You desperately wanted to feel him again. For you wanted to feel alive as he was waking up every one of your senses with his touch. Your skin became electrified as he ran his hands across your back while further deepened the kiss.
Ignis could feel your passion matching his, as his hands ran across you as they almost trembled with the desire to have you. For how he had longed for this moment. He had lost count of how many nights that he had dreamt of taking you in his room. For ever since the first time you stepped in it, he has ached to see you naked and unraveled on his sheets, as a thin layer of sweat covered your silky skin.The thought alone was making him hard as he deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue past your lips as his hunger for you started to take over. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to control himself anymore as his heart was pounded and his breath was heavy, as his yearning for you was reaching new heights. All he knew, was that if he had any say in the matter, this would end with you both naked and covered in sweat, as you both laid on his bed, breathless with satisfaction. And it didn't seem like he wouldn't have a hard time persuading you into it. For as he deepen the kiss, your tongue was meeting his with the same hunger as they danced in your mouths.

FFXV: Growing Pains (Ignis X Reader)
Fanfiction(Book 1 & 2) Prince Noctis of Lucis was a lonely child when he returned from Tenebrae after his wounds had healed. That is until he was befriended by a young commoner girl who showed him the meaning of true friends. Her friendship with the young u...