Chapter 121 - Graduation

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You stared out the window of the car as it headed to Central University's stadium that was near the outside edge of Insomnia's downtown district.  Most of the graduations were held there due to the high number of graduates for each of the large high schools within the city.  It was the largest university in Insomnia, and the college where you were going to start attending classes the following year.  Of course you still hadn't been on campus for a tour yet.  So you had no idea what was there.

You were grateful however, to have Ignis sitting right beside you.  Because as the car drove through the campus, Ignis pointed out a few things along the way.  Like where the cafeteria was, the dorms, the admissions office, the student body lounge and food court, and where most of the general education classes where at.  Which was where you were going to be spending most of your time.  It didn't seem to complicated.  And it wasn't too much of a walking distance from one building to the next.  Which would save you a lot of time.  

"We can go for an official tour tomorrow if you like?"  Ignis asked as he pulled you closer to him.  "I have to pick up my transcripts from there anyway.  And I would love to show you around."

You turned and looked at him with an uncertain look.  "Are you sure that you have time?  I'm mean...."

"Of course I have time."  Ignis said as he softened his eyes as he moved your hair behind your ears.  "I have nothing planned with my uncle this weekend, so I had asked him if he minded if I spent the whole weekend with you."

You felt your heart start to race as you stared at him in shock.  With Me?  Really?  Please tell me he's not joking.

"Is that okay?"  He asked as he frowned at your stunned face.  "I know that I should have probable asked you before hand.  But I wasn't even sure if my uncle would let me at first."

"I would love to."  You said as you finally found your breath again as you heart started pounding. Spend all weekend with you? Why wouldn't it be okay?!

"It's a date then.  I'll pick you up in the morning.  We can grab some breakfast before we head over here."  Ignis said as he reached over and slid his fingers across your jaw as he raised up your chin to meet his.

"Okay."  You whispered to him as you closed your eyes as he pulled you closer to his lips.

You could feel the heat from his breath as he moved closer to you.  Your heart started racing in anticipation.  You could feel the heat from earlier starting to come back again.  But right as you were about to touch, someone bumped Ignis off to the side.

"Hey.  We're here."  You heard Noctis say in a firm tone.

And much to your dismay, Ignis released you and sat back in his seat.  You couldn't tell if he was embarrassed to be interrupted by Noctis.  Or if he actually didn't want to kiss you.  Especially after his reaction from being interrupted that morning in the kitchen.  Well which ever it was.  It seemed to hurt the same as you sighed and looked back out the window as the car pulled up to the back entrance to the stadium.

You saw Nyx come walking up to the car with a smile on his face when he saw you.  You couldn't help but to grin back at him as he opened up your door.  He was a sight for sore eyes since you hadn't seen him since the swim meet.  He looked all official in his Kingsglaives uniform as he stood there holding the door open.

"Good morning Mr. Nyx."  You said with a smile as you grabbed his hand and let him help you out of the car.

"Good morning,  And it's just Nyx."  He said to you with a smile as he gave your hand a slight squeeze as he helped you to the sidewalk.

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