Chapter 21 - Ifrit's Attack

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Paul could just barely hear the screams of the people down the street through the ringing in his one ear and the pounding on his head. He slowly tried to open his eyes as he tried to figure out what bus had just hit him. He painfully groan as he slowly moved his outstretched leg as he tried to get it underneath him. His whole body throbbed from the impact. Whatever happened, wasn't just some simple hit. For he could feel in down to the bone in his back. He groaned as he fought to sit up, but he seemed to be stuck. So he painfully reached his hand up to help push himself back up as he finally got his eyes to open and focused a bit.

That was when he saw Ifrit standing at the end of the street as he looked around the area. Then Paul watched in horror as Ifrit sent a wave of flames over those on the ground in front of him. He froze as he stared in shock as he could hear the screams increase before they disappeared completely.

Oh my six. This has to be a nightmare. Since when did he get here? Paul thought as he stared at Ifrit.

Tracy stared as if in a trance as she looked at Paul as he just laid there on the car. Then suddenly she saw his leg move. She half cried as she watched his leg move closer to the rest of his body. Then she saw him slowly move his arm as he reach up to try and push himself up, before he froze in place again.

"Korn." she said excitedly, "He's alive. Look. He's trying to move now."

"Oh thank the six." Korn said with deep relief. "I was afraid that we had lost him."

Just then King Regis walked into the control room. "Where's Ifrit?" He asked as he stared at the big screen in the front of the room.

"He's right on main street sire. He's about three blocks from here." Tracy said as she brought up the map and several screens onto the big screen to show Ifrit standing in the street as he looked around.

"Where are my glaives?" King Regis asked when he noticed that no one seemed to be going after him, other than those who appeared to have been on the street for the parade.

"There hasn't been any sign of them yet your majesty." Tracy said as she glance back at them. "The only ones we have seen, where those who were already on the street for their assignment for today."

"Patch me through to the glaives overhead speakers." King Regis ordered.

"Yes your grace." Tracy said. Then she started to hit several button in front of her as she connected to the announcement system in the Glaives department.

"You patched through sire." Tracy said after a few seconds.

"Attention all Glaives, this is King Regis." Ignis heard coming from the overhead speakers as he stood there after arguing with the glaives who were sitting in front of him. "As you may know, our fair city is under attack by the Deity Ifrit. The deity is currently moving through the streets and taking innocent lives. We can not let him continue this in our fair city. So I'm ordering a full assault. We have to protect and defeat our city from destruction. I need you to help me bring him down before he destroys everything that we hold dear."

"Understood your grace. You can count on us. " Ignis heard a strong voice say from behind him. He then turned and saw Titus Drautos come walking up, already fully outfitted and ready to go.

(Adrian Bouchet, the actor for Titus Drautos on

"Line up!" Titus shouted as he placed his hand on Ignis' shoulder.

All of the glaives started to line up in rows in the long hall. Some of them were already geared up, while others were still putting on their coats and shoes. Ignis watched as they all walked up and stood still, with their hands behind their backs as they wait for their orders. Ignis slightly shook his head. Perhaps being a Crownsguard was the smartest bet for him.

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