Chapter 96 - Truth Be Told

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******Lemon Alert******

Okay, so this one is short. But it is still sweet between these two. And I think very fitting for what is going on between the two of them. But as you know, you can skip it if you want. Just looked for the ******Start****** and ******Stop****** and we will see you when you return.

Enjoy. ;)


You weren't sure what time it was when you first opened your eyes again. All you knew was that it was still dark in the room and there hadn't been any alarms that had woken you up this time. Instead it was a gentle kiss on the back of your neck that had woken you up. Which didn't scare you this time. Instead it did the exact opposite since you could hear a bit of a struggle as Ignis was trying to control himself.

But as you opened your eyes and slowly turned your head to face him, you could feel why. "Are you okay?"

"That would depend on your definition of okay." Ignis said in a deep voice in your ear.

You couldn't see his eyes to know why he said that. But you could feel his reason as he lightly ran his lips over your ear as his hand slightly tensed up as he fought back the urge to pull you hard against him. And his half breaths were starting to heat you up as much as he was. For you could feel his struggle through every breath.

The notion of it, made you slide your hand over to him as you started to heat up yourself. Then you felt him shudder under your fingers as you lightly brushed against his sleeper pants. You then rolled over so that you were laying on your back as he laid on his side as he looked down at you. He almost seemed to be panting as he looked at you.

"My apologizes for waking you up like this." He said in a seductive tone as he moved your hair away from your face as he gave you a heated gaze as he seemed to be fighting to even find his words. "But I can't help it. You were rubbing against me.......and it felt so good........and we still haven' know."

You eyes got big for a moment as you realized what he was saying. But then you leaned more towards him as he fought with himself to not act on what he really wanted. You reached up you hand and ran it across his face as he seemed to struggle with even just breathing. But as you watched and felt him, you knew what he needed and how best to help him.


You slowly slid one hand down his chest as you turned more towards him as he seemed to be frozen as he fought to not act on the real heat that was coursing through him. But as you hand moved down, you couldn't help but to start to heat up yourself as you could feel his muscles tighten and tremble under your fingers as they slid slowly down to his pants. By time your fingers reached his waist band you were breathing almost as hard as he was. And then as you slid your fingers across the top of his waist band, your fingers gently ran across his sensitive tip as it was completely sticking out from the top.

You heard him fight off a groan as he leaned slightly into you as he dropped his head.

"I'm not sure if you should be doing that." He said in a deep tone as he placed his hand on yours.

"I'm not sure that I shouldn't." You said as you leaned in towards his neck and gave him a kiss right in the nap of his neck as you felt the urgency start to build.

Ignis shuttered again before he could quietly ask. "What if Gladio wakes up?"

"Then I guess he gets a free show." You said before you leaned in and capture his lips as you reached down and cupped his hard cock in your hand.

Instantly Ignis groaned in your mouth as he rocked his hips towards you as your touch was already starting to cause him to lose control. You could feel yourself getting wet as he was slowly loosing his mind as you started to rub him through his sleeper pants. But you wanted to see him loose it. You wanted to see him come completely unglued as the two of you rode out the waves of ecstasy together.

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