Chapter 54 - Driving Test

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You don't remember the rest of that day after your dad pulled you away from the elevator that Ignis had just closed in your face. You didn't want to leave the condo like that. You really wanted to talk to him about the kiss that you and Noctis had shared in the kitchen the night before. But your dad knew that a cool down period was needed before you both completely severed the relationship with the wrong words.

That night you couldn't get Ignis to talk to you at all on the phone after your dad dropped you off at the house. Not even after your dad had gone back over to the citadel to make sure that the test site was secure for tomorrow and to talk to Korn. He had wanted to give Korn a heads up about what had happened. He didn't want Korn to be caught off guard by this or upset that suddenly Ignis wasn't quite being himself.

Let alone he wanted to give the king a heads up about Noctis, who was already a loose cannon. The last thing anyone needed was to be on the receiving end of that fight and not have a clue what it's about. It was bad enough that the three of you were upset. It didn't need to be push further by the parents.

Of course this all meant that you hadn't sleep well at all that night as you clutched your phone in your hands. All you kept thinking about was how upset Ignis must be for him to leave the garage like that. He had never walked away, or drove away in this case, from Noctis before. They had been practically inseparable since they were little. Sure Ignis was more like a mother hen with Noctis back then. This was of course, that was before they had actually become close friends.

The whole night you couldn't stop thinking about the whole situation. Whether you were curled up in bed with the blankets wrapped tightly around you as you laid on you tear soaked pillow. Or you were sitting on your balcony, freezing, as your cheeks froze from the cold night breeze as it blew over the wet droplets as they slid down your cheeks. To which you felt none of the cold, only the pain of hurting him.

The next morning, your dad came in and found you sitting on your balcony. You had a blanket wrapped around you as you sat by the railing clutching your phone in your hand. You had hoped that he would stop by or call you sometime during the early morning. But that didn't seem to be the case as you watched the sun slowly rise.

"You'll get sick if you sit out here too long." You heard your dad say as he walked over and sat down beside you.

"It would serve me right." You quietly said as you kept your eyes on the sunrise.

"Now don't say that." Your dad said as he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer. "I understand that you are still upset. But no one wants you to be sick during the holiday."

"No one wants to be hurt during the holiday either. And that's exactly what I did to him." You said as you curled up into your dad's arm.

"No. That's not usually what people want during this time of year." Your dad said before he gave you a slight squeeze. "But let's not make it worse by you getting yourself sick. Alright?"

You slightly nodded as you dropped your head.

"I'll tell you what." Your dad said as he turned so that he could see you. "How about I take you shopping and you can get him something really nice this year? Mind you it won't solve the problem. But at least it would give you something to give as an apology."

"Perhaps. But I still haven't even figured out what to get him for his usual holiday gift. Let alone what to give as an apology gift." You quietly said as you pulled your legs up closer.

"Well I'm sure that you'll find something for him that can say both." He said before he gave you kiss on the head.

"I hope so." You quietly replied.

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