Chapter 3 - Love Dock

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******Lemon Alert******

We all knew that this was coming. But just like last time. If you don't want to read it or you don't feel comfortable with reading it. Just look for the *****Start****** to tell you when to start to skip. Then you can return once you see the ******Stop******. For everyone else, I do hope that you enjoy this long awaited scene between these two. ;)


THE cool breeze whipped your hair back as the boat speed through the water as your dad drive over to the lighthouse. You were standing just outside the bridge area so that you could watch the black car as it flew across the pavement as it headed for the same destination. You couldn't make out the driver, but you knew that Ignis was behind the wheel of his Majesties' car, the Regalia. You had seen that car once before when you had ridden in it to pick up Noctis that day from school. 

That day was when you finally made up with Prince Noctis, after a falling out. You had never seen a car like that one before, for the hard top folded down flat and tucked itself securly into the truck of the car, Which was how it was now. Of course the first time you saw it do this, you and Noctis had been in the back seat and it made you duck and hide into Noctis. He had found it quite amusing.   You on the other hand, did not.

But now, you watched as Ignis was guiding the car along the curvy road that ran long the cliffs by the waters edge. You had wished that your dad would have let you ride with him over to drop the boat off. But you understood why it was best to make it look like you had all just joined each other for lunch and then went your separate ways. You still had to be weary of everyone outside of the city, and even with a few within. For you couldn't take any chances of being caught again by Niflheim. Last time you had lost your mom, who knew what would happen the next time.

As you watched the car, you tried to steady yourself as you remembered the heated exchange between you and Ignis in the cave at Galdin Quay. But nothing seemed to work. Your hands were still tingling, your knees were still weak, and your body still felt like it was on fire from his touch. Even the cool ocean breeze wasn't enough to cool down the heat that he had brought back up to the surface.  For you still wanted to feel his touch and plenty more. You already felt that you were ready for the next step in your relationship. But you weren't quite sure how to tell him.

You dropped your head as you gently rubbed the double heart pendant necklace that he had given you. The touch always helped keep you calm as you felt the smooth cool silver in between your fingers and the gentle touch of the silver chain as if it seemed to kiss your neck as it laid gently around your neck. You rubbed the pendant as you thought about how you had tried over the last few months to come up with a way to tell him. But had never came up with the right way to say it.

How do you tell someone that your ready to go all the way with them? Do you flat out tell them, 'Hey I want to have sex with you?'  You shook your head as you slightly laughed. Straight forward, but very tasteless and impersonal. And totally not how you wanted it to be. Perhaps it would be better if you showed him instead, you thought as you looked back up at the car. You instantly felt your body start to tremble as you thought about him touching you that night on the sofa bed.

"We're almost there!" You heard your dad shout from the bridge area.

"We're almost there!" You heard your dad shout from the bridge area

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