Chapter 59 - Future Promises

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The house was quiet again as Paul walked around and checked the doors one more time before turning in for the night.  He had already sent you and Tracy upstairs as he walked through the first floor.  Then after check all of the cameras and the sensors to make sure that they were running, he walked to the frig to grab a bottle of water for the night.  He had a feeling that he might need it.  But as he pulled out the bottle he felt something rubbing up against his leg.

Meow! Purrrrr  Purrrr  Paul heard from his leg as he looked down and saw Snowball rubbing up against him affectionately.

Paul smiled down at her as he reached down and scratched her behind the ear.  "You better be good for Tracy while we're gone.  And I'm counting on you to keep her safe as well."

Merrrooow.  Snowball seemed to answer as she sat down by his foot.

"That's my girl."  He said with a smile before he stood back up.  

"Come on.  It's time for bed.  There's a certain lady waiting on me."  He said with a smirk as he headed out of the room.  "So you'll have to stay in (y/n)'s room tonight.  I would hate to kick you again by accident."

Merrooow!  Snowball answered and went racing up the stairs ahead of him.

Paul just smiled at the cat as he headed for your room first.  He was glad that the cat was still as healthy as she was, considering that she was approaching her senior years.  But you couldn't tell by how much she ran around and played.  He just hoped that she would live for quite a few more years before he was going to have to make any hard decisions about her.

He opened up your door, and saw that the light was off already.  He peeked his head in and saw that you were fast asleep.  He slightly smiled as he watched your blanket slowly rise and fall as you slept.  The sight was reassuring for him, since he was glad to see you fast asleep for once.

Then after Snowball jumped up onto your bed and curled up at your feet, he slowly closed the door.  He didn't want anything to wake you up.  Even if that 'thing' was him and Tracy.  He didn't think that you would want to hear them anyway.

After closing your door, he headed to his room.  And while he walked, he undid the buttons on his suit coat and was removing his tie.  By time his hand touched the door nob, he had the tie half way down.  He pushed open the door and was welcomed by the soft light of one bed side lamp.

But as he looked at the bed, he was a bit disappointed.  Since he had hoped that it would have a early present for him, in the form of an anxious Tracy laying there waiting for him.  Instead it was empty and still made.  So with a sigh, he closed the door behind him and continued to remove his tie.

Then he heard something coming from the bathroom.  He slightly smiled as he removed his coat and laid it on the bed.  Then he removed his tie as he glanced over at the door.  He tried to imagine what she would come out wearing.  The images in his head brought a heated smile to his face as he started to remove his shirt.

Then he heard a slight crash coming from the bathroom, like something had fallen on the floor.  He glanced up for a moment to see if he could hear anything else as he removed his shirt.  Then when he heard it again, he slipped out of his shoes and walked over the bathroom door.

 He lightly knocked on the door as he leaned close to the door so that he could hear her.  "Hey hun?  Are you okay in there?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."  She called back.  "It was just my stuff falling down."

"All right."  He called back through the door.  "Just let me know if you need anything."

"I will."  She called back.

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