Chapter 42 - Fireworks

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Everyone was happily chatting amount themselves as you made your way to Ignis' house. Each person seemed to be wrapped up in the conversation, except Noctis. He seemed to be distracted as he walked with his head down as if he was thinking. You slightly smiled at him as you released Ignis' hand.

At first, Ignis gave you a curious look as you started moved over to walk by Noctis. But then as he watched you start to talk to Noctis, he understood and just smiled at you. He knew, just like Noctis knew. That if anyone could get either of them to talk and cheer up, it was you. Sure,Prompto could also get Noctis to cheer up. But not like you could.

"So...did you have fun tonight?" You asked as you watched him carefully.

"Yeah." He quietly responded as he kept his head down.

"Yeah I did." He repeated as he only briefly glanced your direction before looking back down.

"For a guy who had fun, you sure don't look like it." You replied as you kept your eyes on his face.

"I'm fine." He replied without looking up. "I'm just tired I suppose."

"Did Lady Lunafrea say something to upset you?" You asked as you watched him.

He quickly looked up. "Of course not.... What a minute? How.."

"I saw her face when you kissed." You quietly said back with a smile.

Noctis looked away again as he tried to keep you from seeing his face. You smiled at him as he tried to hide his cheeks as they turned bright red. You knew that he liked her. But you hadn't realized how much until then.

"Her messenger told us that she only wanted to talk to you for a moment." You said as you watched him. "I'm glad she was able to stop by to catch up to you at the carnival. Even if it was only for one song."

He gave you a quickly side glance before he looked back down as he smiled shyly as if lost in thought. "Yeah. Me too."

"Is she still in town?" You asked as you smiled at him. "Perhaps you two could hang out at the citadel or perhaps even go for a walk at the park. You two must have loads to catch-up on."

"She's actually going to be staying at the citadel for a few days." Noctis said as he slowly looked up at you. "But she has to go back at the end of the week."

"That's awesome." You said with a smile. "Did you want us to take you back so that you can hang out with her?"

"She's not there right now." He said as he dropped his gaze again. "She said that she had to meet up with someone first, before she headed there."

"Well, let us know if she gets there early. We would be more than happy to take you to meet up with her again." You said as you smiled at him.

"And I'm glad that she'll be here for Winter Break." You said as you slightly leaned against his side before you straightened back up.

"Yeah." He said as he looked back up at you and smiled again. "Me too."

"Well what do we have here?" You heard a deep voice say from in front of you.

You froze in your tracks as you slowly looked up and saw four guys all dressed in jeans, boots and heavy leather jackets. They all smirked at you as they came walking out from the alleyway that was hidden from the street. They each had something in their hand that looked like it would hurt if they struck any of you with it. You quickly got in front of Noctis and started to push him towards crossing the street. The others started to follow suit as Ignis and Prompto got in between the girls and the four guys as they started to guide them to the other side of the road.

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