Chapter 25 - First day at High School

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******Spoiler Alert - Brotherhood Final Fantasy XV - Episode 2: Dogged Runner"******

This is by far one of my favorite episodes from the brotherhood series that came out before the game was released. I highly recommend watching this on YouTube ( before reading this chapter. The ending of this chapter contains scenes from this episode as our fun loving new blonde haired friend comes into the story.

I do not own any of the rights for the Brotherhood series. I have added part of it for character reference only. All rights of the series belong to Square Enix.

I also do not know any right to the movie Elecktra. The movie has been indirectly referenced for character building only. No Copyright infringement is intended.

Enjoy! :)


You slowly opened up your eyes and looked around. Your heart leaped when you realized that you had fallen asleep in Ignis' bedroom. You hadn't meant to fall asleep like that. But as you looked around that was when you realized that you must have been out for awhile. For you saw that it was much darker in the room then when you first got there. It made you wonder just how long you had been out.

Suddenly you felt someone shift behind you. Followed by an arm coming over you as it wrapped around you. Then it pulled you closer to the person behind you, before they settled back down with you up against their solid frame. You slowly turned your head and saw the sleeping face of Ignis.

He was curled up with you as he had his arm over the covers as he had it wrapped around you and held you close. You smiled to yourself as you looked at his peaceful face as he laid right by your head. You quietly watched for a few moments as you heard his calm and smooth breathing as he quietly slept beside you. It looked like he had decided to join after all.

You turned back around and started to get comfortable again, when suddenly you realized that you had to pee. And like really pee. You rolled your eyes at your body's horrible timing. You didn't want to move right now. You wanted to stay wrapped up in his arms and sleep the afternoon away. So you closed your eyes again and tried to fall back to sleep as you tried to ignore it. But your body refused to let you rest as you were soon starting to squirm.

Damn it. You though as you could feel that you were on the verge of your bladder overflowing.

You opened up your eyes and quickly started scanning the room for your shirt that you knew had been on the floor before you passed out. But as you scanned the floor, you noticed that there wasn't anything on the floor. That was when you noticed that your bag was on the chase lounge chair and it looked to be full. Had he washed your clothes after all? Just how long had you been out?

But then just as you are trying to make sense of it, your body reminded you of what you were suppose to be doing. You quickly glanced back at Ignis. You hated to disturb him. Especially now, since it looked like he had been busy while you had been sleeping. Well that, and the last thing you wanted was to interrupt his nap.

You carefully grabbed his wrist and started to move it out of the way so that you could slip out without disturbing him too much. But as you moved his arm, he tightened it up and brought it back down to you and held you closer as he tightened up his grip. You smiled as you sighed. It was sweet that he didn't want to let you go. And normally you wouldn't even think about moving. But your body was now starting to scream at you that you really needed to get moving to the bathroom.

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