Chapter 86 - Clubbing

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The door opened up to relieve a very loud and dimly lit room that seemed to packed with people as they all stood around and talked to each other.  The strong stench of old beer and cigarette smoke filled her senses as she allowed him to lead her into the over crowded room.  She had heard that some bars could be rough when you weren't use to them.  But even when she attended college, she had never been in a bar quite like this one.  

The bar itself had a full counter on one side of the room that seemed to stretch from one side to the other.  There were two pool tables right in front of the bar that were both busy with players as they each took their turn as they tried to beat the other team.  On the other side of the bar were several tall stools that were under the few tall tables that seemed to line the wall as people  stood along the wall.

Then she looked towards the back of the bar and saw the live band playing.  And in front of them, there was a large group of people who were all dancing together.  But it wasn't the kind of dancing that she was use to.  No, they were dancing in a way that was making her cheeks heat up as she blushed.  As their hands where close to some very personal areas as they all were grinding into each other with what looked like heated urgency.

But it seemed that no one in the bar was bother by any of it as they watched the band and the dancers.  In fact they seemed to be really enjoying themselves as they were cheering them on.  Most of them were signing along with the band as they watched them both.  While others were either quietly watching or cheering on the dancers while drinking their beers and mixed drinks.

Cathy suddenly felt very much out of her element as Paul walked them both over to the bar.  She noticed a lot of people looking in their direction.  But unlike the smiles and enviously  jealous looks from the crowd at the theater.  These looks were more of disgust and hatred.

Cathy tightened up her grip on Paul's hand as he neared the bar.  She was afraid of what would happen if he was to let her go at this point as she looked around and saw the leering looks from the girls at the bar.  Especially from a long haired brunette that was giving her the look of death as she sat at the far end of the bar and stared at them.  And it didn't get better when he called over the long, wavy, blonde hair bartender.

"Well if isn't our own local hero."  The bartender said in a flirty strong accented tone as she walked over to the Paul and gave him a hungry look as she leaned over the bar and towards him.  "I never thought that I would see you here again sugar.  Did you come to see little oh me perchance?"

"Just came for a few drinks tonight Lisa. "  Paul said back with a slight smile.

"But with those drinks.  Could I perhaps talk you into a dance with me tonight darling?"  She asked as she placed both hands on the bar as she purposely showed him her very large breasts that were very much seen since her thin muscle shirt was very low in the front and left nothing to the imagination.

"Well that will depend."  Paul said with a smile.

"On what sugar?"  She asked as she leaned over more so that her breasts were practically in his face.

"On how fast you can get those drinks.  And how well you treat my guest tonight."  He said in slightly firm tone as he looked at her.

"Humm."  Lisa said as she stood back up.  "Then what will it be love?  Will you be taking your usual?"

"Of course."  He returned with a slight smile.

"And what about you hun?"  Lisa asked as she gave Cathy a firm look.  "What kind of drink do you take?"

"Just a rum and coke if you will?"  Cathy politely asked.

"Huh."  Lisa said as she gave Cathy a curious look.  "Two rum and cokes.  Coming up."

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