Chapter 23 - Weapon of Choice

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"ALRIGHT, for this next set of weapons, we have the two different types of targets." Cor started out explaining.

"Here we have the close combat targets that are designed to represent the main body of your opponent. This doesn't work for all of the enemies that you will face, but it will give you the general idea of where you need to strike." He said as he gestured towards the targets that looked like the upper torso of a person.

"For these targets we will use the wooden daggers so that we won't actually cause any damage the targets. The other set of targets are set up for you to throw the daggers at the target. This can be used to either, immobilize and sometimes even kill your opponent. For these we will use the actual steel knives since we need to get them to stick into the wood.

"The main focus is to help you out with your aim. This one will be treated more as a shooting range since the daggers do have a tendency to miss their mark and bounce off. So while your throwing the daggers, no one is to move from the line until all of the blades have been thrown." Cor explaining. "Each group will work with their assigned target. Your goal is to work on your technique and you accuracy. Ignis why don't you show us how the drills will go for each set."

"Very well." Ignis said as he grabbed a set of wooden daggers first and went into the first roped off area.

Ignis went over several different strikes and how best to use the blades to slice at the neck, and the main arteries by the arms and legs. Then he went over how to immobilize a more difficult foe by slicing open the stomach and neck by simply cutting straight across. You caught your breath as he dragged his hand across the neck of the dummy as he demonstrated. You silently hoped that you would never have to use that technique, or worse yet, have it used on you.

Once everyone seemed to understand the basics for the drills, he moved out of that area and placed the wooden daggers back down on the table. Then he grabbed four solid black steel blades from the other table and walked into the other roped off area. He walked in and stood on a line that had been made in the dirt. He told everyone that the first line was at the ten foot mark from the target and would be where everyone would start from. Then once everyone was ready, then they could move back to the twenty foot line. No one could throw from the back, though if the other person is on the first line.

"Ignis, why don't you give us a quick demonstration." Cor said with a smile.

"Certainly." Ignis replied.

Then Ignis walked back to the first line and lined up with the first target. He glanced at the target for a minute as he put his left foot forward and his right leg back. Then he took one of the four blades that he had in his hand. He then aimed the blade tip towards the target with his right arm extended. He paused as he took a deep breath. Then he leaned forward and brought his right hand back to his shoulder. Then quick as light, he threw the blade right at the target and got it to stick in the wood with a dull thunk.

Then he just simply grabbed the next blade and did the same thing, but this time he didn't take as much time. Thunk. The next blade was even faster. Thunk. The last one looked like he didn't even aim and it still stuck. Thunk. Then he paused for a moment as he looked at him target. He had gotten all four blades to stick and they were really close to the center. Your eyes were wide as you stared at the target.

"Good warmup Ignis." Cor said as he watched Ignis walk up to the target to retrieve his blades. "Now let's see what you can do."

Ignis nodded as he walked back towards the line again. But this time he didn't so much as raise his hand to aim. Instead he just focused on the target and got into his stance. Then with quick succession he quickly raised his hand and released the blade only to be immediately replaced with the next blade until they were all thrown. Thunk......thunk...... thunk......thunk, echoed through the air as each blade stuck into the wooden target. And again he stood back and looked at the blades as they were in their tight cluster near the center of the target. Then he stepped forward to retrieve them again.

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