Chapter 16 - Rivals

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"SO how did it go?" You heard a sweet male voice say from your phone.

"Well, I got my parents onboard with it. But Ignis said that he has to talk to his uncle first." You said as you were laying back on your bed with your head on your pillow. Your right knee was up and you left leg was balancing on your right knee as you talked.

"Well, if I know Iggy, he'll get him to come around. But don't be surprised if you have to show him you're serious. His uncle is like that. You will have to prove your worth to him first, before he will start to train you." The voice returned.

"Yeah, that's what Ignis told me to." You said as you glanced around your room. "But now I'm a bit worried. Do you really think that I can do it?"

"I know you can. Just don't doubt yourself and you won't have any trouble." The voice said in a smooth tone. "Just show him what I already know."

"Thanks Noct." You said as you started to blush. "I will."

"Good. Well I gotta go. I think I hear my dad. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Noctis said.

"Night prince." You said with a tease.

"Night princess." He teased back.

"Now you know I'm not a princess." You said back.

"Your my princess. And you better not forget it." He joked back.

"Alright, fine. But only for you." You replied.

"Thank you. Night." He returned in a whisper.

"Night." You whispered back as you hung up.

You hung up your phone then plugged it in for the night. Then you looked up at the ceiling as you thought about today's events. So far, you have convinced three people that you were serious about this. But now you had to show it to them all. You started to feel butterflies in your stomach as you thought about it.




You groaned as you looked over at your alarm. Damn. You thought groggily as you rolled over and turned off your alarm.

You hadn't slept very much that night since you couldn't seem to stop thinking about the training. You kept thinking about how they were going to test you. You were afraid that the same thing would happen again that had happened when you and Ignis had sparred. You felt like you had had no control over how your body had reacted to that. Ignis hadn't been rough with you or anything, but you had still panicked. You had to get control of that. But how?

This was the thought that had plagued you all night. But to no avail were you able to come up with a solution. Every time that you thought about it, it made it hard for you to breath, you started to sweat, and you couldn't seem to move. You angrily shook your head as you tried to get your head clear again. Then you got up and got ready for the day.

That day had been like any other. You had no problems with getting all of the assignments completed before you left the classroom, with the exception of the computer technology class. But that was just because the class time was too short. There just wasn't enough time to do the proper research into the topic that you had to look up.

Before you knew it, you were sitting down eating lunch. You tried to enjoy it, but you kept feeling Gwen's eyes on you as she kept turning around in her chair to look at you as you sat in the corner by yourself. You weren't sure what it was about. But you were pretty sure that it wasn't good. But you just brushed it off and kept to yourself.

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