Chapter 71 - Waves

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******Possible Trigger******

This chapter contains a section that might cause some readers to feel or possible relive a dramatic event from their past.  This is not the intention of the scene.  But to help out those who don't want to experience this, just look for the ******Start****** to know when to start to skip over the event.  Then you can safely return when you see ******Stop******.

For everyone else, any resemblance to a real life situation is purely coincidental and is not based any one person or real life situation.


You weren't sure how long you were laying on your dad's bed crying when you heard the door open back up. In fact you were so upset that you didn't really hear he closing it again. All you knew was that there was suddenly a hand rubbing your back as he sat down on the bed beside you. Which made you cry even harder, and led him to lift you up and pull you into his arms.

"When I left, I was expecting to come back to my girl smiling again. I never thought that I would come back to see you upset." Your dad quietly said in your ear as he held you tightly against his chest. "Did something happen between you two?"

"I think he just broke up with me? But I don't know?" You said through your tears.

"Why do you say that?" He quietly asked as he moved your hair behind your ear.

"He closed his laptop on me. And I can't seem to get him back on." You said just before you felt your throat threaten to close up completely as the raw emotions of it all was starting to hit you with full force again.

"Now why would he do that?" Your dad asked as he rubbed your back as he tried to calm you back down.

"I think he's jealous. I happen to mention Keith and Chris and he practically lost it." You said as you gripped your dad's shirt tightly with your hands.

"Perhaps he's more upset that he can't be here, then he is jealous about them." Your dad replied as he slightly squeezed you before he started to rub your back again. "It can be very frustrating when the person you care for is upset and you can't do anything about it. And they can sometimes seem like they're jealous. When in reality, their pissed that they can't be there to help out. And this can especially be the case, when there is no way that they can change what had happened."

"Even if their the one who hang up?" You asked as you gave him a tearful look.

"Especially if they are the one who hangs up." He replied as he wiped away the tears on your cheeks with his thumb. "Just let him cool off for a bit. Then you'll see what I mean."

"But how do you know?" You asked as you searched his face.

"Let's just say that there were a few fights that your mom and I had that were just like this." He replied as he gave you a sad look.

"Was there ever a time when you thought that she would leave you because of it?" You asked as you looked at him.

"Perhaps once or twice." He replied. "But we always seemed to work things out in the end."

"Did you ever think about leaving mom?" You asked as you searched his face.

"There were a couple of times." He replied with a sad look as he glanced off in a slight daze. "But both times I just couldn't do it. No matter who or what was involved. I loved you and your mom too much to leave you like that."

You then wrapped both arms around his neck and held him tight. "I'm glad you didn't."

He wrapped his arms around your waist and held you close. "So am I."

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