Chapter 94 - Hidden Powers Revealed

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"We're here love." You heard Ignis' sweet accented voice whisper in your ear before you felt him slightly shift under you.

"Whoa. Is that the ocean?" You heard Prompto ask as you slowly unwrapped yourself from Ignis as you sat up.

"Why yes it is." Ignis answered as he sat up and looked out the window. "We will be near the backgate that leads to the main harbor transit for Insomnia. All of the cargo ships from other countries go there to drop off their shipment of containers. Then from there the containers are transferred either to the train or the semi trucks for further transport."

"Wow. That's incredible." Prompto said as he had his face plastered to the window as he stared in wonder at the harbor that could be seen just over the wall as the bus was leaving the high-rise freeway as it headed to the exit and descend into town. "I had no idea it was so big? And those boats look so small."

"I can assure you that those 'boats' are no boats." You said with a smile as you looked out the window that was beside Ignis. "Those boats are ships. And most of those ships are larger than the main drive-up entryway at the citadel."

"What?" Prompto said as he looked at you in shock. "Are you serious?"

"I am." You quietly said as you kept your eyes on the harbor until the wall covered it up again as the bus got to the edge of the suburban town that was hosting the Regionals.

You dropped your gaze for a moment as you thought about the crew of the Atlantis. You actually were starting to miss the crew in the galley. Henry had turned out to be a pretty decent cook. And the rest of them had been very kind and friendly.

"What was the name of the ship that you traveled on?" You heard Ignis ask as he watched you.

"It was the Atlantis." You answered as you kept your head down.

"That's right. I forgot that you had traveled on one." Prompto said as he excitedly turned around and looked at you. "What was it like?"

Those last four words seemed to echo in your head as suddenly images started flashing through your mind of your time on the Atlantis. From first meeting Rick on the Quarterdeck. To seeing your shared stateroom with Luna for the first time. Then you saw images of you meeting Henry, Bob, Misty, Jen, Mike, Alex, Faith, Jeff and ending with the last images all being of Chris.

From him walking away from you on the bridge wing when the ship first pulled out. To the four times of bumping into him in the hallway. Then the irritated look he gave you on the messdecks the first time you saw him grabbing food for the watch standers. To him being hauled away by Henry as they headed for the XOs stateroom. Then his look as he stood in front of you in the chart room. And finally his hurt look as he left you stunned in the passageway outside of his berthing.

You dropped your head more as all the meet and greets with the crew flashed through your head like a slideshow. Only to pause for a moment on Keith as he sat in his chair and gave you that stupid smirk. You then felt your body start to shake as you once again, saw yourself in class as you started to panic when your dad grabbed your neck. Which quickly turned into Keith's arms around your neck. You shook your head as you could once again feel Keith breathing on your neck.

"I will make you pay attention to me." You heard Keith say in his deep tone. "And why not do it while I fuck the shit out of you."

You whole body started to shake as you could once again smell the salty sea air mixed with his deep musky cologne. You could practically feel his hands on you as he started to run them over you body. You heard his breathing in your ear as he panted his hot breath across your neck. Your body was on edge but you couldn't seem to move as you felt paralyzed.

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