Chapter 77 - His True Feelings

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After a hour of bantering your dad as you tried to get out of him what Ignis had planned for the two of you. You decided to drop it. Your dad truly was stubborn. He didn't give up even a shred of information about the plans that Ignis had arranged for you once you got back. But as you smiled to yourself as you watched the scenery go by, you truly didn't mind. You already knew that whatever he had planned was going to be amazing.

Before you knew it, you could see the signs of civilization again as the train approached a small depot so that it could switch out a couple of train cars and take on more supplies. You couldn't help but to look around and watch the rail workers as they moved about the tracks as they swapped out cars and brought on more food for the dining car. You had missed this last time since the train didn't need to stop by it on the way in. You smiled as you watched them working. You had always wanted to see how they changed cars out and got the supplies for the cafe in for the dining cars. Sure you had felt them adding a few cars in Nifelheim. But you hadn't really been paying attention to that part the last time. You were a bit too distracted with the fear that the Nif robot would catch up to you.

Once the cars were changed, you sat back as the train started to move again. Your dad didn't seem interested at all as he never took his eyes off of his computer as he worked. You watched for a minute as the train picked up speed again. You slightly frowned at him. He hadn't really talked since leaving Tenebrae that morning, which made you a bit worried.

"Next stop will be the port." You said as you watched him.

"It will." He replied in a flat tone as he kept his eyes on the screen.

"Do you think the ship will be there already?" You asked as you started to get nervous and excited all at the same time.

"They should be." He returned as he scanned his screen. "Alex emailed me and told me that they would be pulling in this morning so that they could load up on research supplies again. Apparently they had had a very good find off the coast and had spent the entire time at sea after we left them."

"Really?" You said excitedly. "I wonder what they found?"

"Based on what Alex told me, they had found a lot of the same creatures that they had seen from before." He replied without looking up. "But this time they were able to see exactly where these creatures had been coming from. Which gave them the opportunity to collect several samples. These samples will help them to understand how the mutations occurred in the first place. Then with that bit of information, they can figure out how to stop the mutation from spreading to other parts of the ocean."

"Wow." You said in astonishment. "They must have been super busy to do all of that."

"Well they are a research vessel after all." Your dad simply replied. "So for them, the task is fairly simple. Of course they have only just started with the testing. Since they had only just gotten the samples. The next step will take that longest as they start running various tests. I am curious of the test results that they will come up with though. I wonder if they will be able to solve it."

"I'm sure that they will." You said with a huge smile. "Mr. Alex and his team are brilliant. I don't think that there is a problem that they can't solve."

"You know what." Your dad said as he glanced up at you and gave you a slight smile. "Your right. They are brilliant. Just like a couple teenagers I know."

You blushed as you dropped your head. You knew who he was talking about without even asking a single question. You had heard him bragging about you and Ignis every chance he got. You don't think that he knew that you were listening, since he had his back to you most of time. But you knew his voice from a hundred feet away.

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