Chapter 47 - The Morning After

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Paul anxiously sat in the waiting area for the emergency room as he waited to hear word about Tracy. So far they said that she looked to be in good shape and that it was only the cut on her neck and her forehead. But they couldn't be sure until they did a few x-rays of her neck and back to ensure that she didn't have any internal spinal injuries that they couldn't see. They had told Paul that they should know after that. Then if all was well, she would be allowed to leave with him.

Paul stared out the window of the waiting room as he sat there thinking about everything that had happened that day. He couldn't recall a day like this since his last mission that he had done with Lynn. And that had been when they had gotten Prompto away from the empire. Which was a day that he had relived so many times in his dreams and nightmares that he could still feel the glass shattering under his elbow as he rescued Prompto from the chamber as it was filling up with water.

Paul was so lost in thought as all of the events for the day played through his head. From the final preparations for the trip to Tenebrae, to the Winter concert. Then skating with Tracy as they had guiding across the ice. Then everything seemed to fall apart after that. Three separate attacks on three different people. The street thugs on you and the others. The assassination attempt on Korn at the condo. And now this. It was as if someone was trying to take out everyone or at least separate them.  But who?  And why?  What were they trying to do?

"We really need to stop meeting like this." Paul heard a familiar voice say from beside him.  "And I mean that you know."

"I thought you went home for the night Doc?" Paul asked as he slowly looked up at Doc as he stood before him.

"How can I with all of you getting yourselves into trouble at all hours of the night?" Doc said as he sat down beside Paul in one of the chairs. "And besides, it's morning now."

"What?" Paul asked as he gave Doc a stunned look. "What time is it?"

"Hmmm" Doc groaned as he stretched as he tried to push the sleep away. "Last clock I saw said 3am."

"What?!" Paul said as he gave him a stunned look. "And how long ago was that?"

"That was when she went in for the x-rays. Which was about an hour ago I think." Doc said as he rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to wake back up.

Paul slumped further down in his chair. "That explains why I can't function anymore."

"Well that's okay." Doc said as he sat back up. " I just saw Tredd come in about half an hour ago to take both of you home. I'm kind of surprised that he's not sitting with you or at least didn't check in with you."

"Yeah. Here too." Paul said as he tried to focus. "But Korn did say that he would be sending him to keep an eye on Sara. Perhaps he just went straight over to see her instead. Which is fine. As long as she's safe."

"Most definitely. But it shouldn't be long now and I can get you both out of here so that you can head home and get some sleep." Doc said as he stood back up. "I'll let you know when she can leave."

"Thanks Doc." Paul returned as he closed his eyes as he relaxed in the chair.

Within a moment he was fast asleep as pure exhaustion took over. Doc smiled at him then he walked up to the reception desk.

"Wake him up in about half an hour and send him to room 108." Doc told the girl behind the counter.

"Yes doctor." She quietly said.

"Okay Ms. Long.  We'll let the doctor know when the x-rays are ready.  Then after he has had a chance to look at them. Then he'll come in and will let you know if he noticed anything.  In the meantime, just relax and let us know if there is anything you need."  The nurse was saying after they got Tracy back onto one of the beds in one of the short procedure rooms.

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