AFTER an emotional introduction to the head chefs for the kitchen, you were able to get the grand tour of the kitchen. Jim and Margaret were more than happy to go over the different areas and machines that you would be able to use. They were both very proud of their kitchen and you could tell by the way they talked about each area. They even went over the storage area, that you hadn't really gone through the first time. You got to see the various trays, table skirts, chairs, and huge variety of decorations that they had for putting on almost any event that you could possibly imagine.
You thanked them for everything then went about cleaning up the few dishes that you had used for Korn. Then you put away everything that you had used. Jim and Margaret didn't interfere or interrupt. They simply watched and chatted back at forth with each other as they started to prep for lunch and dinner. They were a very happy couple who seemed to bicker a lot with each other. But when you looked into their eyes as they did, there wasn't any aggression. Instead their eyes were full of love as they teased each other. Watching them lifted your spirits as they made you smile and laugh.
Once you were done with everything that you needed to take care of, you thanked them for their help and you left the kitchen. You smiled to yourself as you walked away from the kitchen as you headed towards Noctis' room. This place sure had some interesting people working within these walls. But there was one thing that you noticed about everyone who worked here.
Everyone of them seemed to overflowing with pride and compassion for their work and for those around them. It was easy to see how this could be exploded by those who weren't truly vested in their work there. After seeing this, it made sense to you now why Noctis and the others had been so cautious with you at first.
As you walked up the stairs, you saw that the maids were finished with the sleeping quarters for now. For the hallway, were now empty and your steps seemed to echo as your sneakers squeaked across the high polished floors. You looked around, but you didn't even see Gladio and Monica anymore. You thought about looking in your bedroom for them, but you were a bit afraid of what you might find. So instead you headed to Noctis' room that was only a couple of doors down.
You pushed open one of the heavy wooden doors and quietly stepped into the room. You didn't see any lights on in the room. In fact you didn't see much of anything. His room was as dark as night. You had no idea how he was able to have a room that completely blocked out the sunlight like that. But it made sense as to why he could easily sleep in the way he did.
You took out your phone and used the flashlight mode to find your way over to the curtains that covered up his balcony windows. You wanted to get some light in the room without turning on the overhead lights. You hated it when your mom would flick them on when you were younger. You preferred to be woken up by the bright sun as it lazily would shine in through the windows. You figured that that might be your best bet on waking him up as well, so that he won't flip out.
Once you reached the windows you found the draw strings, then slowly started to open up the heavy blackout curtains. The light slowly filled the room to reveal his beautiful room. You smiled as you saw the bed come into view. Then you heard Noctis groan as he rolled over in his bed.
You shook your head as you moved towards the bed. He really is still sleeping. You thought to yourself as you approached his bed. Well, not for long. You mischievous thought as you walked up to the foot of his bed.
As you walked up you noticed that he had one of his feet sticking out from under the covers. So with a devilish grin, you ran your fingers along the covers until you reached his foot. Then you dragged one finger nail slowly down the soul of his foot. His foot slightly twitched. You smiled and did it again. His foot twitched more this time. You did it one more time. But this time he quickly dragged his foot back under the covers.

FFXV: Growing Pains (Ignis X Reader)
Fanfiction(Book 1 & 2) Prince Noctis of Lucis was a lonely child when he returned from Tenebrae after his wounds had healed. That is until he was befriended by a young commoner girl who showed him the meaning of true friends. Her friendship with the young u...