Chapter 98 - Night Tremors

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You suddenly felt one hand wrap around your wrist and twist it around and pin it to you back. While the other arm quickly wrapped around your neck as they put you into a headlock maneuver. Instantly you tensed up and couldn't breath as they were tightening the grip on you as a means of controlling you by near suffocation. You reached up as you tried to grab their arm with your loose arm. Only to have them quickly whip you around and pin you up against the bulkhead face first.

"Oh I don't think so sweetheart." You heard Keith's voice say in a low grumble. "Now that I know that escape. I'm not about to let you do it. Not when I like this little trick of yours of how I can get you to pass out instead."

"Why?" You gasped as you tried to talk. "Why are you doing this?"

"Well, you see." He said as he put his head right beside your ear. "I hate to be ignored. And especially by anyone who would go for that fuck head Chris instead of me."

"So I figured that I would make you pay attention to me." He said in to your ear before he licked your earlobe. "And why not do it while I fuck the shit out of you."

You felt your whole body start to shake again as you could feel yourself starting to freak out once again as you described everything exactly how you remembered it. You were so immersed though that you didn't realize that everyone in the room was just as tense as you, as you were telling them every single detail of the attack.

"When I heard his words, I immediately started to freak out. I knew he was serious when he bit my earlobe and pulled me harder against him. I tried to wiggle free from him. I knew I had to. Otherwise it wasn't going to end very well for me." You said as your whole body started to violently shake even as Ignis tried to keep you calm. "He was going to fuck me whether I agreed to it or not. And it seemed with as much force as he could."

"But then right as I felt like I was starting to make some room to escape from all the wiggling. He pinned me harder against the wall. 'oh no you don't. Your my fucking little bitch tonight. Your going to regret ignoring me you fucking cunt.'" You said as felt a full body tremor surge through your entire body.

"I could only half screamed as he started to roughly kiss and bite up and down my neck." You said as you scrunched down your neck as you could once again feel his teeth against your skin.

"I frantically tried to move away from him as I tried to get him off of my neck. But that only led to pissing him off. He ended up aggressively grabbed my hair and yanked it back hard." You cringed and shook you could feel the pain once again.

"It hurt so much. It felt like my hair was being pulled right out of my scalp." You heard yourself say before you became completely immersed in the sensations once again

"The more you move, the rougher I get." He growled in your ear.

Then he dropped the hand down from your neck and forcibly grabbed your breast. He started to squeeze it hard. You cried out again in pain as he seemed to be trying to squeeze the life out of them. He then slammed your head against the wall, which caused you to see a few stars from hitting the metal so hard.

"Scream again, and I'll just have to fucking knock you out instead." He growled before he bite your neck hard.

You choked back a cry as he ripped open the front of your shirt. Then he moved his hand inside your shirt and tightly gripped your breast and your hair as he continued to attack your neck. The tears started to stream down your cheeks as you realized that this was happening. You couldn't get out. He had you trapped.

You closed your eyes as you started to cry. You silently wished that he would just knock you out instead. At least then you wouldn't remember any of the pain or his touch as he was having his way with you. Then your whole body started to almost convulse as his hand moved down further and started to feel up your pearl through your pants. This only seemed to encourage him as he pressed up harder against you as he quickly undid your pants and shoved his hand down into your underwear. You could feel his hardened member up against your back as he started to grind into you as he bit down hard on your lower neck.

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