Chapter 76 - Future Plans

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"She's only 16?"  Maria asked Paul in astonishment as they relaxed in the lounge chairs, while Luna sat on the couch by the fireplace in Luna's room as they waited for you to return after talking with Ignis.  "But why is she doing this at such a young age?"

"She wanted to help Prince Noctis.  Just like you Luna."  Your dad quietly said as he watched the the wine swirl around in his glass as he remembered your plea with him and Lynn about it.

Everyone had been sitting around the dining room table after eating a very well prepared meal made by Ignis.  Which had been right after learning about your little panic attack secret.  Paul could tell that it had really disturbed Ignis since he seemed to go the extra measure with every single dish that he had prepared that night.  Paul dropped his head for a moment as he remembered Ignis asking him about what had happened.  

Only for both of them to be silent for a while.  Because he had no idea, since you had never talked about it with him.  All you had ever said was that you wanted to go home and that you never wanted to go camping again.  But then you completely threw both him and your mom off when you had asked the question that seemed to change the whole world.

"I was wondering if you would mind if I started training with Ignis on how to become a retainer to Noctis?" You had asked really quick as you closed your eyes and clenched your hands as you sat at the dining room table waited for the volcano to erupt.

Your mom had almost choked on her drink.

"You what?" She asked once she stopped coughing.

"I want to start training with Ignis on how to become a royal retainer to Noctis." You said as you looked her straight in the eye.

"But why would you want to do that?"  He had asked as he watched you intently.

"I want to be able to help out Noctis. I want to serve as one of his retainers." You said as you looked right back at him with determination. "Plus I'm tired of having to be the one who needs saving. I want to be the one who helps out and saves others."

Paul had paused for a minute with his mouth open as he took in what you had just said.  He could tell that you were serious even then.  And especially after caughting the you and Ignis sparring in the backyard.  Of course he had thought at first that it perhaps for more lessons in self defense.  Never had he expected you to ask to be a retainer. But as he looked at your (E/C) eyes that seemed to be on fire.  He you were serious.  But he wasn't about to let you.  Not at first anyway.

"There is no way that my daughter is going to serve as a retainer." He had spouted out.

"And why not?" You almost yelled back at him.

"Your not ready for something like that." He had said without looking at you.

"And how do you know that I'm not ready?" You had shouted back as you stood up.

"Paul, will you let her explain before you start shouting at her." Lynn said to him as she could see the temper in both of you starting to increase. 

After the stern look that she had given him, he closed his mouth and sat back in his chair as he waited.

"Fine. Well then, explain. Why do you all of a sudden what to be a retainer? Help me to understand why you would put your life on the line for him like that." He had asked as he crossed his arms and legs in his chair.

He had tried to keep his eyes averted from Lynn's stern look that she gave him before she  turned back to you and stated. "Please help us to understand why." 

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