Chapter 46 - Security Issues

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Your heart was still racing after Ignis turned off the engine. You had never been in a car like this one before. The sound and the smoothness of it made it seem like the car could literally fly.  All it needed was wings and it would take off. You now understood why Noctis wanted to drive it so badly. For even with Ignis driving it within the speed limit and keeping it at a smooth pace. You could still feel the untapped power that was under the hood just waiting to be let loose.

"We have got to tell my dad about this car." You said with a smile as you beamed back at Ignis.

"I'm sure that Noctis won't mind if your dad takes a peek under the hood. I'll be sure to ask once we get inside." Ignis said with a smile.

"Sounds good." You said then you both got out of the car.

You both smiled as you went to the back end of the car to empty the trunk. But as you walked back you noticed that you didn't see your dad's car in the parking lot anymore. You stopped in your tracks and started scanning the lot thinking that perhaps you were looking in the wrong spot or that he had moved it. But after looking all around and only seeing a few cars as it was, you started to get concerned. Had he left without you? But that didn't make any sense. He would have told you that he was leaving.

"What's wrong?" Ignis asked as he watched you looking around.

"Do you see my dad's car anywhere?" You asked as you walked a few steps away from the car.

"No.  And now that you mention it. I don't recall seeing it when we left either.  Are you sure he parked in this area?"  Ignis asked as he looked around as he walked over to you carrying Korn's and Sara's laptops while pulling the locking case.

"Well I'm positive I saw it when we first came in." You said as you walked towards the elevators. "He had it parked right by the elevator. He must have headed out for something. You don't think they had to take in Ms. Julius do you?"

"Now let's not assume anything. Instead, let's go in and find out for certain." Ignis said as he grabbed your hand.

You nodded back, then you both quickly headed for the elevators.

Paul stood by the window in the dining room as he searched the nearby buildings. He was trying to figure out where the bullet was shot from. He already had a rough idea just from how it had grazed Mary. Which got it down to two buildings. The hotel across the street from there and the Citadel itself that sat behind the hotel as it towered over it.

And since they were on the top floor. He could almost start on the roof of both and work his way down. The hard part would be trying to find one shell casing somewhere in either of them. He knew that it would be a long shot as well. Since there was no guarantee that the shooter hadn't policed their brass.

As he figured out the best way to search the buildings he heard the front door open. He slightly smiled to himself. He figured it had to be Tracy coming back. She had left long before you and Ignis did. So she should be back first.

"Dad?" You called as you came up the stairs. "Are you here?"

"Yeah. I'm in the dining room." He called back as he turned to walk over to meet you.

But he froze in his tracks when he saw the concern on your face. He could already tell that something had happened after you had left. He could see it in your eyes and in your body as you practically ran to him. He took a deep breath as he braced himself for the next question.

"Something wrong?" He asked as you came up and hugged him.

"I thought you had left." You said as you pressed you head against his chest as you gave him a huge hug. "I didn't see the car and I got worried."

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