Chapter 2 - Homecoming

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YOUR heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest as the boat flew across the water. But it wasn't due to fear for once. No, this time it was for pure excitement. You were on your way home. And you were about to see Ignis again after three long years. The boat couldn't seem to go fast enough for you.  Plus you couldn't help yourself as you let the thrill take over and you screamed out your joy.

"Wooooooooo!  Hooooooooooooooo!" You shouted as you couldn't contain your excitement anymore.

Your dad looked over at you and chuckled. He hadn't seen you this excited since you got your cat.

It's great to see her happy again. He thought as he kept the boat at a steady course as it thundered across the water.

He watched for a moment then let out his own shout. "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

You looked at him with a huge grin and you both shouted again as you raised your hand in the air as you let the excitement flow through you.

"Wooooooooooooooooooo!" You shouted over the roar of the engine as the vessel raced across the water.

Then you dropped your hand again and gave your dad a huge grin.  "Faster dad!  We don't want to be late."

Your dad chuckled at you. "It's already Full Ahead Flank honey.  So unless you have rockets to put on this, this is all she's got."

"Sooooooo speaking of the boat."  You started as you gave him a sweet glance.  "It's okay if I take it out  every once in a while, right?"

"Not in your dreams kiddo. You too young for that."  Your dad returned with a slight grin.

"But I'm sixteen now."  You added.

"And still to young to try and handle a boat this powerful."  Your dad added as his grin dropped.

"But I drove the gondolas hundreds of times."  You argued back.

"Yes you have."  Your dad said as he acknowledged that fact.  "But they only go about 5 miles an hour.  This boat can go up to 80 knots, or around 90 miles an hour to you.  There's no way I'm going to let you drive this at that speed.  Besides, you don't know how to handle it."

"Well I know someone amazing, who already said that he was going to teach me how to drive."  You said in a sweet voice as you tried to charm your dad.  "Why not start with the boat?"

"Who said that I was going to teach you?"  Your dad teased back.

You looked appalled at your dad.  He saw this and tried to hide a slight chuckle at your shocked expression.  You saw it and walked up to him and hit him on his arm.

"You promised."  You said in a hurt tone as you hit his upper arm again with your hand.

Your dad chuckled at you again as he held up his arm as he tried to defend himself from a third hit.  "I promised driving lessons in a car. Not in a boat."

"What's the difference?  They both have steering wheels and engines."  You said in a pouty voice as you dropped your head.

Your dad looked at you and grinned.  You always knew how to make him melt.  He then wrapped his arm around you and kissed you on your head.

"Perhaps I could squeeze in a boating lesson or two in there."  He said as he slightly rolled his eyes as he teased you.

Your heart leaped into your throat as you heard his words.  You then wrapped your arms around his waist.

"Eeeeeeeeekk!"  You slightly shouted.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"  You said as you squeezed him tightly.

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