"Thank you for walking me back." You said to Chris as the two of you walked back to the estate.
You had had a great time at the ship. The whole crew had been excited to see you, which they had told you so as they greeted you and gave you lots of hugs. The galley crew was especially excited and had almost kept you solely to themselves, had the officers not taken you into the wardroom so that you could sit down and eat with them. They all asked tons of questions about what you had been doing since you left. And you were very glad that none of them were about the court hearing.
It seemed that Henry and Jennifer had talked to everyone about not bringing up the case while you were there. Which you very much appreciated and was grateful to escape awkward questions regarding the case that had started on their very decks. Instead the questions had been about your Regional swim meet. Which had surprised you that they had watched the whole thing on the televisions on the ship while it had been in port during that time.
"Any time." Chris responded with a smile as he walked beside you with his hands in his pockets. "I'm just glad that you were able to relax for a night."
"Me too." You smiled back as you once again approached the back gates of the estate. "Will you be there tomorrow? I'll be in the courtroom this next time since my dad has to take the stand now."
"Don't worry, the whole crew will be there to support all of you." Chris said back with a smile. "Of course, I'll mainly be there for you."
"I'm glad." You beamed back then you continued through the gate as he stopped at the entrance. "See ya tomorrow then."
"Yeah." Chris called after you. I'll be counting the minutes until then.
You shifted nervously on the hard wooden bench in the courtroom as they called your dad up and swore him in for your case. Chris placed his hand on yours as he tried to comfort you as you rubbed your hands furiously together. You didn't think that you had ever been that nervous before. Which in itself was incredible considering all of the crap that you had gone through already. But as you watched your dad, you could see that he was taking all of it in stride as they started asking basic questions about the case.
And so far everything seemed to be fairly normal questions. And your dad didn't even hesitate to answer any of them. That was until......
"Mr. (l/n) I just have one last thing to ask you about before we're finished here." The woman attorney said as she calmly looked at him as she stood in front of her team as Keith sat beside them.
She looked the part of a traditional attorney as she stood there in a black business dress suit and high black heels. Her brown hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and seemed to accent her 'holier then thou' look about her as she seemed to look down at everyone else in the room. You couldn't help but to scowl at her yourself as she looked at your dad like she had a puppy by the chain. But your dad's cool demeanor didn't even slightly waver as he looked at her.
"Ask away." Paul said in a calm voice as he relaxed back in his chair.
"After you had left your daughter in sick bay after the alleged attack, where did you go?" She asked in a cool manner herself.
"I went down to see Keith myself." Your dad answered honestly and without so much as a pause.
"And why would you do that? When your daughter was already being treated in sick bay?" She asked as she was fishing for him to say what she was thinking.
"I wanted to talk to himself." Paul answered as he kept his eyes on her since he knew what she was trying to do.
"But you did more then just talk. Didn't you Mr. (l/n)?" She asked as she slowly started to walk over towards the podium.

FFXV: Growing Pains (Ignis X Reader)
Fanfic(Book 1 & 2) Prince Noctis of Lucis was a lonely child when he returned from Tenebrae after his wounds had healed. That is until he was befriended by a young commoner girl who showed him the meaning of true friends. Her friendship with the young u...