You nervously stood near the deck entrance as you watched Gladio get ready to get on the starter block. There weren't that many swimmers for the 100-yard butterfly. So this time it was best to wait by the pool entrance after warming up. But as you waited, you glanced around the pool and saw your dad and King Regis up in one of the enclosed viewing rooms.
You tried to catch their attention. But they seemed to be too much into their conversation. Either way though, it still made you smile to know that they were there watching everyone. Because just knowing that they were there was all the encouragement you needed to give it your all. And so with a strong resolve, you turned back to watch the race as they called them to the starter blocks.
"Are you sure that there weren't any connections to the empire linked to the attacks last night?" King Regis asked as they watched Gladio as he leaned down and grab the edge of the block.
"Nothing has turned up that would lead to that conclusion your grace." One of the investigators said as they stood behind King Regis as the horn blasted and set Gladio flying forward from the starter block.
"But how can you be so sure?" King Regis asked as the pool area seemed to explode as the swimmers raced down the lanes as they seemed to fly out of the water as their arms flew out of the water before slamming back in in a wave motion as if they were dolphins.
"We were able to track the white substance down to one room. And that room was registered to one of the chaperones for East high school." The investigator explained. "Apparently the chaperone had brought all of it with them as a means of crippling the best swimmers from the other teams."
"But why go to such lengths over a high school competition?" Korn asked as he watched Gladio hit the wall first and quickly turn around and start heading back towards the starter blocks again. "It just doesn't seem like something that would happen at the high school level. College perhaps. Pros, definitely. But not high school."
"I know what you mean." Paul said as he stood by the window and watched Gladio pull away from the group as they neared the wall. "There's just something about it that doesn't seem right. Its a bit too excessive for this low of a competition."
"Well of course it doesn't seem right." Clarus said as he beamed as Gladio touched the wall first and won his heat. "No one in their right mind would attack high school students."
"Perhaps its true." Iris said as she slowly walked over to the window. "Perhaps someone is attacking the students as a means of eliminating the competition."
"Don't be absurd. No one would go to these types of measures just for that." Clarus replied in a short tone.
"That's where I think you may be wrong." Iris said without looking at anyone but Gladio as he climbed out of the pool and walked over to you with a huge smile. "For a lot of these swimmers, this is their only chance that they get to be picked up by a college. While for others, its their one time to show the world what their made of. And for them to prove to the world that they have what it takes to move forward in this sport."
The whole room turned and looked at her as she continued. "Not everyone has their whole life already laid out for them like they do. I bet you that for most of those swimmers, this is their only way to go to college. And think about. This room must be full of scouts looking for that next best thing. That's a lot of pressure for them to deal with. And some might go to the extreme because of that pressure."
"You do make a good point." Korn said as he gave her a slight smile.
"That type of pressure, can be very brutal for the average student." Paul said as he looked back at you as you smiled and talked to Gladio. "The stress of it all can be a bit overwhelming to. No matter what sport or activity that your in. I know it was for me anyway."

FFXV: Growing Pains (Ignis X Reader)
Fanfiction(Book 1 & 2) Prince Noctis of Lucis was a lonely child when he returned from Tenebrae after his wounds had healed. That is until he was befriended by a young commoner girl who showed him the meaning of true friends. Her friendship with the young u...