Chapter 116 - New Promises

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"Yeah?" Said a deep rough male voice as he answered the phone.

"Good morning. Are you guys ready to go? We need to be over there in half an hour." Came a smooth accented voice back at him.  "Or have you changed your mind?"

"No, no.  We'll be there."  He said as he started to wake up.  "Is everyone else ready?"

"Of course."

"Come on dad!   You'll be late if you don't hurry!"  He heard come through the phone.

Paul rolled over on his back as he kept the phone to his ear.  "We'll be fine.  Don't worry."

An arm slide across Paul's naked chest and on up to his neck.  Her delicate fingers reached up and slid around his neck as she moved up towards him.  He switched his phone to his other ear and placed his free arm around her as she leaned over and rested her head on his chest.  She hummed her delight as he slowly dragged his fingers up and down her elegant skin.

"And we wouldn't be late for this."  Paul said as Tracy pulled herself closer to him and kissed his neck.  "After all, they can't start without us."

Paul then had to fight off a moan as Tracy started to suck on his neck. He slightly tensed up as she gently and sensually started to kiss his neck.  He had to close his eyes as he could feel his body starting to heat up.  Which wasn't really hard to do considering he was already hard from her teasing him while he was half asleep.

"Well then don't make us wait to long."  Korn responded in his usual smooth accent.  "We'll meet you over at the courthouse."

"Right. We'll see you there."  Paul said in a deep voice before he hung up.

"You are being devilish this morning."  Paul said as he placed his phone back on the bedside dresser beside him.  

"Hmm, devilish?  Are you sure that your really want to be with me then?" Tracy asked in between heated kisses.

He rolled towards her as he reached up and cupped her chin as he pulled her away from his neck and spoke in a deep voice.  "I won't be here if I didn't."

Then he placed his lips on hers.  And with a heated sigh he passionately kissed her. Dear gods did he loved this woman. And each time they kissed, it made his heart race and his body instantly heat up and start to ache for her. No one else had ever had that effect on him before. And he loved every minute of it from her.

Tracy deeply exhaled as she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck as he rolled over on top of her.  Then she eagerly opened her mouth as she started to run her fingers through the hair on the back of his head.  And she was delighted when his tongue quickly found its way into her mouth as they heavily started to make out.  She moaned as he slid his tongue against hers as he slid his hand up her leg and to her ass as she started to wrap it around his waist.

He gave her a heated kiss as he grabbed her butt cheek and pulled her hard against him.  She moaned again as she felt herself starting to get wet from his hunger for her.  She then dragged her nails down the back of his neck.  He shuddering against her as he leaned on her and thrusted his hips up as he was starting to get lost in the moment.

She grinned as he moved his head over and started kissing her neck as he started to grind against her.  Her eyes fluttered shut as she felt the heat intensifying in between her legs.  Damn did she loved how quickly she could get him to respond to her.  And how he could make her tremble with his very talented lips and hands.

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