Chapter 74 - Train to Tenebrae

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After the customs officer at the window stamped your passes, the three of you headed for the train station. Luckily it was within walking distance from the the port.  Which was fine with you.  Especially since you were grateful to be on steady ground again after being at sea for so long.  

"We'll check on the train's schedule first to see when it's scheduled to depart.  Then we can get a bite to eat before we board." Your dad said as he led the way to the train station.

"How long does it take to get to Tenebrae from here?" You asked as you looked at your dad.

"By train it takes about 10 hours." Luna said as she looked at you with a smile. "And since it is the second stop we even get a chance to see Cartanica along the way."

"Cartanica?"  You asked as you looked at her.

"Yeah.  It's a city known for its trade agreements between Tenebrae, Altissia, Lucis and the Niflheim Empire." Luna said with a smile.

"Dad?  Isn't that where...? You started to ask in astonishment.

"It is."  Your dad answered.

"Where what?"  Luna asked as you looked back and forth between the two of you.

"My boyfriend's going to college there starting next year."  You answered.

"Really?"  She asked with a smile.  "That's exciting.  Now we really have to check it out when we get there.  This way you can let him know more about it when you get back."

"Ah, here we are."  Your dad said as you came up to a small raised platform that had a small enclosed waiting area attached to it.  "Let's go in and see what time the train is scheduled to leave."

"Right."  You and Luna both replied.

After walking into the waiting area, you saw that it was just a few lounge chairs that were sitting around the room.  The ticket counter was in the back and there was only one person behind the counter.  Behind them showed the times for the train.  And based on what you read, it looked like the train wasn't leaving for about an hour.

"Perfect.  We have plenty of time to grab some food before we leave."  Your dad replied as he looked at the times.  "I would much prefer to grab something to eat here and then just sleep on the train."

"We can sleep on  the train?"  You asked as you looked at him.

"Of course."  Your dad replied as he gave you a slight smile.  "I got us a compartment in the sleeper car.  Now neither of you have to sleep unless you want to.  But I myself want to sleep for at least an hour of the trip."

You smiled back at him.  "I think someone got use to taking naps."

Your dad slightly laughed as the three of you turned and headed back out of the waiting area.  "Yeah I suppose I have."

"And that's okay."  You said as you smiled back at him.  "You need all the rest you can get."

"Thanks kiddo."  He replied as you made your way along the street by the station. "Of course your making it sound like I'm old or something."

"Well the shoe does fit." You teased back.

"Don't push it kid." Your dad replied with a hint of irritation.

His tone let you know that he wasn't really in the mood to joke around. You watched him for a moment as you walked down the street. You had had a feeling that the conversation with Tracy had been rough. But as you watched him, you couldn't quite see how bad, except for the tension in him.

"So how's Tracy? Is she finally able to leave the estate?" You asked as you tried to indiscreetly find out.

"She's fine." He replied bluntly as he kept his gaze away from you.

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