******Lemon Alert******
Okay, so we should have seen this one coming. But as always, you know what to do if you don't want to read it. But it might make the title a bit confusing if not. But either way. If you don't want to read it, just look for the ******Start****** and ******Stop****** and we will see you at the end.
For everyone else. Enjoy. ;)
The hot churning water felt great on your feet as you quietly sat on the edge of the hot tub. Everyone was quiet as they just listened. After hearing your dad yelling upstairs, it had been silent. No one was sure what to expect now. Sure he had only yelled once. But that usually wasn't a good sign.
Suddenly everyone was startled as the sliding glass door opened up. Everyone slowly turned and looked at the door. There stood your dad with a very serious look on his face. This didn't look good. For nothing good ever came from that face.
Paul slowly walked out the door. Tracy stayed back by the door as she watched him. He had told her to stay there while he talked to Prompto. He didn't want any indication that they had any connection to Prompto. And he was afraid that Tracy might be to emotional from earlier to keep it to herself.
She stood there smiling though. She was proud of Paul for taking on Prompto for his training. It truly showed the internal strength that he had with wanting to keep everyone around him safe. Even if that meant pushing himself to the limit to accomplish it.
Tracy waiting just inside the house and watched as everyone stared at Paul as he walked over to the hot tub. She could tell that everyone was too nervous to say anything. She figured that you must have heard him from earlier. Which didn't help the situation any.
"So how's the water?" He asked as he looked at you as he stopped by the tub.
"It feels good." You quietly said as you gave him a smile. "You should try it too. You look like you could use a relaxing dip."
"I will later." He said back with a smile.
"But first I need to ask some questions." He said before he turned and gave Prompto a serious look.
Prompto swallowed hard as he kept his eyes on Paul. He could feel his hands starting to get sweaty already and Paul hadn't even asked anything yet. His heart raced as he waited for Paul to talk. He had heard of Paul as being a bit of a legend when it came to the security force. For not only was he the only person to escape the Nif, three times. But he was also known as the sharpest shooter on the force, with the steadiest hand. Which meant, that he never missed a mark. So if anyone could teach him, Paul was his best bet. He just prayed that he would take him on and train him.
"Why me?" Paul asked Prompto.
"Sir?" Prompto asked as he looked a bit stunned as he sat on the edge of the tug with his feet in the water.
"Why do you want me to teach you?" Paul asked as he crossed his arms in front of himself. "There are tons of other glaives that could show you. Why do you want me?"
"Why wouldn't I want you?" Prompto asked back in surprise. "Your the master at this. No one comes even close to your records that you have set at the academy. Let alone what you've done since you started here. And if I want to protect Noctis the best way I can. Then I need to study under the best. And that's you."
Paul dropped his head for a moment. He was never one for taking praise very well. But it seemed as if the kid had been talking to quite a few people if he found out all of that. Perhaps this might be worth it, if he's already looked into it like that.

FFXV: Growing Pains (Ignis X Reader)
Fanfiction(Book 1 & 2) Prince Noctis of Lucis was a lonely child when he returned from Tenebrae after his wounds had healed. That is until he was befriended by a young commoner girl who showed him the meaning of true friends. Her friendship with the young u...